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I have a 20 gallon high with some platies, neon tetras, danios,Corry's,Guppies,shrimp,khulis, and one hillstream loach these last couple of days ive found 2 dead platies a couple more look like they aren't gonna make till tomorrow any idea what could be wrong? i do 50-75 percent water change weekly haven't had a chance to test my water as i ran out of test strips recently

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How long have these fish been in the tank together?

It's hard to know without more information about how they look, how they're behaving, and what your water parameters are.

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Laritheloud they were born in the tank I've had they tank for about 8 months  one of them was a first generation and the other was a second generation born and i couldn't see any visible signs them being sick but i will get some pictures of the ones acting strange maybe I'm not noticing something 

Colu Yea I'm going to need to just to make sure everything's good with parameters will go to LFS tomorrow and pick some up also will be ordering coop test strips i did do a 50 percent water change today my platies seem to be the only ones being affected though but once I'm off work tonight will post some pictures of the fish 

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So after i did that water change they all went back to normal none of them are acting sluggish or sick but one of my danios looks like its gills could be a little red or I'm not sure if that's what they're supposed to look like since he's a pink glow danios tried getting a picture but can't mange to get a good one that's not blurry

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