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Fish identification?


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Hi all.

Few days ago I have spotted something being chased, then it has gone. Today I have seen it again and managed to get a photo. I have a suspicion that it is xxx but won't say as not to influence anyone. What do you think?




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This is what I was thinking but...

My last Oto died about 2 months ago and I have decided not to have them anymore. When I saw this one I started to search if there were any reports about spawning but could not find any especially in liquid rock water.

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It would help if you told us if it came in a fish shipment or if you caught it in the wild.


This goby could be one of about 12 species of goby or gudgeon depending on where it came from.


If it's a North America lake resident it could be a juvenile of Ctenogobius shufeldti or Neogobius fluviatilis

I'm inclined to believe flathead gudgeon is another real possibility. My training is not in freshwater though so I'm pretty useless those species were just me using some google-fu

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On 7/19/2021 at 10:59 PM, CT_ said:

patterning is different from the "common oto" species and the pectoral fin looks "wrong" to me, but I only have experience with the common oto.  What kind of oto did you have in there before?

I am going to show off. The Otos that we had are O. macrospilus, I know because of this Keeping Otocinclus catfish in the aquarium - Practical Fishkeeping 

On 7/19/2021 at 11:17 PM, Daniel said:

Does it have a couple of dorsal fins? If so, it could be a gudgeon.

Sorry, can't say as it is very small, about 3/4"long. I will try to check when I see it next. Re Flathead Gudgeon, never had one (and don't know what it is, but will check). If it is the only way for it to enter the tank is with the live food.

On 7/19/2021 at 11:36 PM, Biotope Biologist said:

It would help if you told us if it came in a fish shipment or if you caught it in the wild.

I didn't introduce new fish for for long time, also all fish are quarantine for a duration of 6 weeks before they go into the main tank. I live in the UK so there are no wild tropical fish so no fish from the wild.

On 7/20/2021 at 1:41 AM, TheDukeAnumber1 said:

Looks like a Johnny Darter to me.

Another one to check.

Will be back once I am a bit wiser about the options.

Thank you for your time and effort!

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On 7/19/2021 at 11:17 PM, Daniel said:

Does it have a couple of dorsal fins? If so, it could be a gudgeon.

I have looked at my photos and it seems that it has two dorsal fins. If it is a Gudgeon it means problems, I need to catch (easier said than done) it and and check closely, in any case I will take it to a very good LFS near me for positive identification

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There seem to be a few species in the freshwater canals of the UK it could potentially be. The gobio gobio gudgeon maybe. That photo doesn't appear to have the body shape of your UK spined loach but that pattern is pretty close. No chance it might be a hitchhiked egg from plants, decor, substrate, or water from local sourcing? It would be interesting to see more photos of it once netted and hear what this turns out being  identified as. 

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On 7/20/2021 at 9:53 PM, mountaintoppufferkeeper said:

No chance it might be a hitchhiked egg from plants, decor, substrate, or water from local sourcing?

Nothing new in this tank since I set it up in Feb. All the plants before going into the tank gets a 20min. bleach bath so I find it hard to believe that anything will survive, saying that in the past I found some snails, so who knows? 

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@BenAI had a flag fish fry appear 3 weeks after no adults were present which went through a prefilter, through a pond pump, up a 7.5 feet rise of pvc pipe, out an airline tube, through a small diameter emmiter, and into a tank with snails, panda loach, and limia. survived it all. That was one of the more amazing things ive ever seen in my tanks but 20 minutes in bleach would be next level survival. 

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Evening all.

Cleaned the tank today and the little chap showed up so have siphoned it into a bucket, then transfer to a glass so photos can be taken. I took the fish to the shop and it was identified as a Gobi but they could not say which. They have suspected it to be a cold water fish but that's it. As I didn't want the fish they were mega happy to keep it and rushed it away.

I think that I have misled you a bit previously as I completely overlooked and forgot to mention that I feed live food, Daphnia, Copepods, Mysis Tubifex and Bloodworms so I guess that this is how the fish arrived but I really don't know.

P.S Looking at it today it has 2 dorsal fins




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