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What are your current breeding projects?


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Hello all fish nerms. I am curious as to what you all are trying to breed, recently breed, or are growing out fry to. 

I'll go first:

Fry I have/recent spawns - Ember tetras, Kribensis, Strawberry Africans, 2 spawns of zebra african cichlids, daisy blue ricefish, Moscow guppies, Mutt guppies, Blue Dragon guppies, Black snakeskin guppies, Big Ear dark dragon guppies, 

Trying to spawn: ALbino BN plecos, choc BN plecos, pygmy sunfish, zoogoneticus tequila goodeids, humpback limias, neolamprologus multifasciatus, peppered cories, Julii cories, german ribbon fin guppies, wild apistos. 

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On 7/14/2021 at 6:28 PM, BriannesFishFam said:

Hello all fish nerms. I am curious as to what you all are trying to breed, recently breed, or are growing out fry to. 

I'll go first:

Fry I have/recent spawns - Ember tetras, Kribensis, Strawberry Africans, 2 spawns of zebra african cichlids, daisy blue ricefish, Moscow guppies, Mutt guppies, Blue Dragon guppies, Black snakeskin guppies, Big Ear dark dragon guppies, 

Trying to spawn: ALbino BN plecos, choc BN plecos, pygmy sunfish, zoogoneticus tequila goodeids, humpback limias, neolamprologus multifasciatus, peppered cories, Julii cories, german ribbon fin guppies, wild apistos. 

Writing it down makes me come to terms with my nermdom. I imagine im not alone 🙂

Fry I have / recent spawns:

Pao palustris Mekong River Puffer, Crenicichla Regani Rio Tapajos (dwarf pike), Flag fish (miracle fry included), Limia Perugia Boca de Cachon, Bolivian Rams, African Butterfly Cichlid, Variatus Platys, Characodon Lateralis Los Berros, Egyptian Mouthbrooder Multicolor Victorae

Working on spawining in order of expected fry:

Pao Baileyi Hairy Puffer, Crenicichla Orinoco (dwarf pike), Pelvicachromis taeniatus Moliwe (kribs), Pelvicachromis subocellatus Moanda (kribs), Clown Killifish, African Butterfly Fish, Panda loach, Khuli loach, Dwarf chain loach,  Panaqolus sp. Gold Stripe Panaque
L169,  Hypancistrus debilittera, Colombian Zebra Pleco L129

Those L number mature colonys arent fans of reproducing for me yet but soon hopefully. 

I also expect to try dragon puffers eventually but will always have hairy puffers. My favorite puffer by far to this point.  

Edited by mountaintoppufferkeeper
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On 7/14/2021 at 6:44 PM, Big shrimp, small shrimp said:

Good topic!


Currently breeding : mixed endlers, cherry shrimp and finally my L270's

Trying to breed : super reds (too young) and angels ( not sure if pair)

Will breed eventually : L600's but currently only 4 months old. While to wait with these ones. 😆

Cactus plecos? Cool

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I just posted a video where I show off my new fish room and talk about all my breeding projects. Already posted it under my photo journal so I feel a bit silly posting it here as well, but it's a cool look into what I'm doing and what progress I've made.

For a quick run down:
I am working on a new kind of guppy. I want to make "Koi Guppy" that look like actual koi. those are in the pond in the video. I have got the orange spots on white body, but want to go for calico.

I'm also trying to get "Santa Clause" guppy's. I started with one and random females, and what I have now is the 3rd tank.

Then there is my newest fish, the Pseudomugil Luminatus (blue eye neon red rainbow fish) Just got the males 2 days ago. Super excited about this.

I am likely to start a 3rd guppy breeding program with some of my culls who have got this BEAUTIFUL emerald green color to them now.

We have a pea puffer trio who we someday hope will have babies someday

I will be doing a Pygmy cory breeding tank in the next month or so

and I have several neo-Caridinia breeding programs revolving around my Main line of blue diamonds.


Edited by RogueAquarium
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Currently raising up some pseudomugil luminatus fry that were a pleasant surprise.

I just got a starter pack of blue bolt shrimp in the mail, so I am trying to get them going. 

My main display tank has a blue dream colony that is massive and growing despite there being lots of predators in there. 

I have some of the biggest, fattest cardinal tetras I have ever seen right now, and I have half a mind to throw those in a spawning tank after the pseudomugil grow out. I also have some great chili rasbora that I would love to spawn just so I can have a bunch more. 

The thing I really want is to find a good starter group of clown killifish. I used to have some in my display tank, and I would see them spawn, but never got fry. I have had lots of trouble finding more. I want to set them up to colony breed.

Edit to add that out of nowhere I have a giant urge to set up a zebra pleco breeding tank and grow some out to breed. No idea why, but they look so awesome to me even though I have never been a pleco guy.

Edited by Huck
Adding something I forgot.
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I’ve got gold and longfin whiteclouds breeding in my pond with about 6 fry I’ve been able to identify. 
I’ve got Neolamprologus Brevis and I’ve got wigglers in a shell and now 1 male and 2 females guarding one side of the tank. 
I’ve got my silver and black lame ricefish eggs I’ve been growing out and originally thought I had 8 but found a 9th. I’m setting up a 1-2 g tote as their next home until I can get them big enough to go in the whiteclouds/ricefish 30 g tote for fall/winter/spring. 
Ive got my Blue Hawaiian Moscow’s with 3 generations at least of fry. In the same tote I have a large colony of blue dream Neocaridina. 
ive got a pair of sunset honey gourami that look fat and super orange in an outdoor pond and there was a bubble nest until the recent heat wave in Oregon. 
Building up a Pseudomeugil luminatus group - way too male heavy so I have 2 more females in QT to add to the 2 females and 4 males. 
I have a new group of 7 Calico lyretail mollies I’m going to add to some young black mollies. 
ive got 7 different bristlenose plecos - 2 albino long fins, 4 calicos with super red parents and one good old chocolate. 
I have 7 fireball teacup platys that are still teenagers but starting to make the moves like at a school dance. 
I can’t stop thinking about killifish and more ricefish so I may buy more eggs to hatch out. I also recently went down the YouTube hole of alien bettas - copper?! Are you kidding me. 

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Fish currently breeding/ have fry growing out: Blue tail goodeid, bloody mary neo, blue dream neo, PRL and pure black line caridina, bronze cory, weitzmani cory, aspidoras spilotus, koi swordtail in my outdoor tub

Fish I have and either waiting until larger or trying to spawn: Xenotoca variatus, leopoldi angelfish, heckel discus, sterbai cory, venezuelanus cory, L333 pleco, neo multifaciatus, neon dwarf rainbow

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Kinda being successful at: Peacock gudgeons

Failing at: Apisto Cacatuoides

Totally Rocking at: Water Lettuce - that stuff is reproducing like none other (no one said your breeding project had to be fish and I want to be successful at SOMETHING in my aquarium) 

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Currently breeding: dumbo mosaic guppies, mutt guppies, orange neo shrimp, Australian rainbow, boesemani rainbow

Attempting with little to no success so far: red pigeon blood discus (my water parameters aren't perfect, I'm trying to breed them in my tap water, but my ph is fairly high and hardness is decently high as well) mystery snails (I think my water level is too high, they lay eggs but never hatch)

Still waiting for them to grow out before breeding: bristlenose plecos, Celebes rainbow

Things I'm looking for of decent quality:  dwarf neon rainbow, gold white clouds

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@Huckand @RogueAquarium what size are your breeding groups of pseudomugil luminatus? I tried breeding with just a pair previously and got close but failed. They’re very very pricey here in Australia so I’d like to get the minimum amount possible. I’ve got my female still,  and a friend has a male I could borrow, so how many more would you recommend I purchase to have a decent chance of breeding?

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On 7/17/2021 at 6:50 PM, Crabby said:

@Huckand @RogueAquarium what size are your breeding groups of pseudomugil luminatus? I tried breeding with just a pair previously and got close but failed. They’re very very pricey here in Australia so I’d like to get the minimum amount possible. I’ve got my female still,  and a friend has a male I could borrow, so how many more would you recommend I purchase to have a decent chance of breeding?

I would ABSOLUTELY Defer to Huck on this, as I JUST started trying, but the literature I read had me believe it would likely be best to do it like guppies with 2 females to a male so that the male doesn't over pester the female. I personally plan to just let my 5 stay together and then transfer them to a new tank when I notice a few eggs around the tank to keep them from eating it. 

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@CrabbyI'm not sure on the pseudomogil but for my melatonea I usually keep them in breeding groups of 6, 2 males, 4 females.  I'm not sure if it's necessarily the most effective way to do it.  I keep mine in 55s also, which I know is not ideal but I just have them in that size because they're breeding/show tanks

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not a project, but apparently my bristlenose's cant keep it in their pants. had an item in the tank with an opening, had it buried so they wouldnt use it, but they dug it out. removed it today while cleaning and jee a pile on inch long bristlenose came out of it. was just getting their population down to manageable numbers. danged kids!

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On 7/18/2021 at 2:49 PM, Kylec said:

Very new aquarist, I’m currently working on breeding a pair of ‘steel blue’ apistogramma, they are so close I can feel it. The female is showing breeding colors and the male is dancing for her outside her cave it’s a matter of time now.

Apistos are super rewarding to breed. The courtship is very beautiful. Get your miniature live foods ready!

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On 7/14/2021 at 8:44 PM, Big shrimp, small shrimp said:

Good topic!


Currently breeding : mixed endlers, cherry shrimp and finally my L270's

Trying to breed : super reds (too young) and angels ( not sure if pair)

Will breed eventually : L600's but currently only 4 months old. While to wait with these ones. 😆

Very cool! Cherry shrimp I find are super fun to breed, the shrimplets are adorable. If you breed your L600 definatley make a breeding journal and tag me in it!

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On 7/14/2021 at 10:55 PM, mountaintoppufferkeeper said:

Writing it down makes me come to terms with my nermdom. I imagine im not alone 🙂

Fry I have / recent spawns:

Pao palustris Mekong River Puffer, Crenicichla Regani Rio Tapajos (dwarf pike), Flag fish (miracle fry included), Limia Perugia Boca de Cachon, Bolivian Rams, African Butterfly Cichlid, Variatus Platys, Characodon Lateralis Los Berros, Egyptian Mouthbrooder Multicolor Victorae

Working on spawining in order of expected fry:

Pao Baileyi Hairy Puffer, Crenicichla Orinoco (dwarf pike), Pelvicachromis taeniatus Moliwe (kribs), Pelvicachromis subocellatus Moanda (kribs), Clown Killifish, African Butterfly Fish, Panda loach, Khuli loach, Dwarf chain loach,  Panaqolus sp. Gold Stripe Panaque
L169,  Hypancistrus debilittera, Colombian Zebra Pleco L129

Those L number mature colonys arent fans of reproducing for me yet but soon hopefully. 

I also expect to try dragon puffers eventually but will always have hairy puffers. My favorite puffer by far to this point.  

Wow sound like you have a nice selection. How big of a tank do hairy puffers need? They look really cool almost like they were stitched together.

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On 7/15/2021 at 9:18 PM, Nate s said:

Currently have fry for apisto cacatuoides, tons of guppies (outdoor in ground pond) angelfish and glolight tetra. 

Would love for my otos to breed but have no idea how to. 

In ground pond sounds cool! Apistos are such a cool fish, trying to spawn some wild ones.

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