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When to start Med Trio


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I just got some new fish today, some black neon tetras and lemon tetras and put them in my quarantine tank.  Right now it is lights out to help keep them calm after having to be transported here.

So when should I start up the Med Trio?  I didn't want to subject the fish to it immediately on being added, as I was worried it would be a bit much for them after having to go through being moved today.  Should I feed them a couple days before I start the process?  The tank has a full cycled sponge filter and excess frogbit to also help keep the water in good shape.

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They looked okay from what I could see, but I admit I have never kept lemon tetras, so I am not fully sure about them.

I may just play it safe and make sure they have at least a good meal of flake in the morning and freeze dried daphina in the afternoon so they can have some food in their bellies before I start the next day.

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