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Canister inlet/outlet placement


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For those with canisters are you using same side or opposite placement? I was opposite but I just moved them to the same side to see what will happen/change. I have a 27g cube (20x18x20) so it doesn't take much for the current to get going. I did notice there was debris on the bottom where the outlet was, intrigued to see if it now forces it into the inlet directly since it'll be right there

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I have kept mine opposite sides so clean outflow isnt getting sucked into intake. I point the out flow at the front glass so it sorta make a V shape wave to the intake.  I had to slow flow drastically in one had to insert guppies into tank…long story…. So I pointed the flow angled at the side glass sorta in a V. Actually works decent

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I figured I would see most responses as opposite. This is my first & probably only square tank so I'm still trying to get the current right. It just doesn't take much to have too much current in it. I had to remove the powerhead because of it

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When I had mine on a 90 they were opposite...not only opposite...I had the intake tube on the tank bottom and the return at the top so not only getting the side to side movement but the top to bottom movement as well.  took a few attempts at angling the outflow but finally got it to where the tank was very well cleaned and only in a few spots did debris collect.

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I have mine on the same side, but also have a sponge filter towards the opposite side of the tank. With how I have it set now, the tank gets really good flow and circulation...I did initially have it set up opposite, but couldn't find a good spot for the sponge filter, so moved it and it seems to work better - I think as long as you're getting good circulation and don't have any dead spots, either way will work.

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I have my fist canister filter. Fluval 304. Currently intake near bottom on back left out take on top back right side. Still cycling the tank. I will see how fish like it once the are added. Also have two large air stones that help move water around.


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Inlet and outlet on the same side panel, inlet bottom left while outlet spray head top right. The outlet flow is directed at about 60-70 degrees towards the front panel, this creates a downwards flow towards the substrate as well as a circular flow towards the inlet probe at the bottom. A secondary effect is X2 flow regimes; fast flow at the front and slow at the back allowing two different environments to the fish. 

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fyi this is my tank with the fx6; I keep the canister filter well hidden in a natural way. It also has a much smaller ehiem that has a spray bar on the right (the fx6 output is actually on the left but it is fairly well hidden).



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