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Good Cold Water Algae Eater


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On 7/8/2021 at 8:55 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

@KenI think I remember Cory mentioning keeping them in a goldfish tank in a video, and they prefered that over the super hot tanks he also kept them in. But since I've never had experience I was hesitant too. It was however suggested to me by a LFS one time when they found out I didn't use a heater- again though- my tanks never get into the 60s.

I would probably try it. Hillstream Loaches are great fun to watch.

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On 7/8/2021 at 10:04 PM, jkt001 said:

What is the tank size most of you feel comfortable with for a bristlenose pleco? I have heard and read so many different opinions on the web I don’t know anymore. 

20g or bigger.

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Personally, my favorite algea eater / melted leave / leftover food clean up crew is the much maligned pest snail.

It has taken 18 months of lowering the heat 1° every month or so, to adapt guppies and zebra danios to no heater.


They are breeding in 68° - 70° water. My bettas are the only ones who still get heat (and danio fry) because the b. splendens are more susceptible to bloat, fungal and bacterial infections at lower temps.

They typically live to about 5 years old, however the male I have right now is.... unique. He **really** likes to bury himself😅 He gave himself what looked like a fish concussion just before the last livestream, and nobody can figure out what his issue is... beyond dain bramaged🤷‍♂️


He's 3, do betta get dementia?


At any rate, he can't live in a tank under 80°, or he nips his tail off and aggressively tries to bury himself. 


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On 7/8/2021 at 11:52 PM, Torrey said:

My bettas are the only ones who still get heat (and danio fry) because the b. splendens are more susceptible to bloat, fungal and bacterial infections at lower temps.


He's 3, do betta get dementia?


At any rate, he can't live in a tank under 80°, or he nips his tail off and aggressively tries to bury himself. 


Sad situation, but helpful info. Thanks.

I don't see a reason that fish couldn't get dementia. I know dogs and cats do. True that they're mammals, but I suppose that if a brain exists, the brain can go awry. Just like any form of body can. 

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