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Aquarium Events


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I think I recall Cory mentioning this at some point, that there would be a schedule of aquarium events so that members could see what events are upcoming. Events such as Aqua shella, Live-bears association etc. Does anyone have a list and am I remembering correctly about what Cory said. I have never gone to an event before and would love to. I know Cory & Zenzo have an event calendar specific for members ,but I referring to world wide events.

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This is a good idea, maybe when people hear about an event they could post it on this topic to let anyone following know about it? 

While we are on the topic - now this is probably a long shot but does anyone know of any of these type of events are ever held in the UK? I'd love to fly across the pond for a tropical fish event but not sure I could get that one past my wife! 

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