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Have you ever dreamed of going to buy fish at a store?


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Lol I think the hobby is taking a toll on me!

Today I dreamed that I was at Wal-Mart, they suddendly had brought back the fish section, but this time it was incredibly huge, like an entire wall of the building dedicated to fish. They had a massive section of tanks with tons of fish to choose from, it was what it looked to be 20 gal long tanks, stacked up to 5 time. Also had tons of supplies like aquariums, pumps, food, etc. Even Xtreme was there haha, I remember walking around and finding it and I was like SWEET I won't need to wait for it to arrive in the mail haha.

Anyways I went to get some fish for as soon as I started looking at them the lights on the aquariums turned off. The clerk, which was an elderly lady told me she was going to clean, feed the fish and siphon the substrate (Thinking about it, I have no idea how a single, old lady in her 70's would clean like probably 200+ 20 gal tanks on her own haha, but that's dreaming for you).

I was like ahhh damn ok, I traveled all the way from Mexico to see the fish, bummer. The lady figured I was from Mexico and let me pick some fish before she started cleaning, so I wouldn't waste gas and time haha. I was happy. Picked up what appeared to be very tiny, dwarf-like, white blood parrots, kinda like the size of white skirt tetras, also a single fish of what appeared to be a weird strain of harlequin rasbora, it had green and yellow, and it glowed, but just bought one because they were extremely pricey, seemed like it was the new fish everybody was talking about. Also a new kind of rainbowfish that was the shape of a crescent moon, and was blue all around like the blue you see on a neon tetra. The fish were spectacular lol.

I picked up my fish and then went to the toy section to get something for my little niece, and I noticed they had placed the betta cups in the kid's toy section! Talk about outrageous lol, strategically placed them there so kids would see them and want one.

I think I was so angry it woke me up lol. So that's my weird fish dream.


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This is hilarious! I don’t remember dreaming of fish stores any time recently. I think I have certain nightmares about my own tanks cracking... ever since my 5-yr-old put a bat through the front side of his 5.5 gal. You’d think that wouldn’t be too much to clean.... FALSE! 

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I had a fish make a cameo in a dream the other night. It wasn't in a fish store though. I have crazy dreams that change subject all the time. At one point I had an orange betta lying in a tray and I was trying to feed it a live earthworm. It was the first time I can remember ever having a fish related dream.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember going to get a pair of Ivanacara adoketa and the owners of the fishstore had sold one of the fish and I was left with one and the layout of the store was completely different    


P.s this was a  dream 

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