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Your Favorite Most Rare/Exotic fish you own.

James V.

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i guess i dont really currently have anything that is rare. in the past i kept a couple different types of sturgeon, and a couple types of gar. my favorite out of them would have to be the long nose gar. it was absolutely cool to watch that fish hunt.

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On 7/10/2021 at 8:52 AM, RickHunter said:

The rarest fish I have is probably my ropefish. I wish there were more people that knew about them 🙂

I waited about 6+ months until my LFS was able to get some in since I wanted to support them. I like how they have this perpetual smile on their face. The other thing is whenever I mention the fish to people the immediately think snake. But honestly I'm not a snake person and I love these guys. Maybe it's the lack of big ole fangs and that dumb little smile they have that make me not scared of them. That and how they slow swim is like watching a fiish do the doggie paddle while their long body just dangles around.


Bit off topic but what is that kizmo you are using to feed them bloodworm and where did you obtain it? I mean on the one hand it looks simple enough but on the other hand it is a great way to reduce the mess in the tank. Btw nice fishes - are they difficult to keep ?

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On 7/10/2021 at 10:47 PM, anewbie said:

Bit off topic but what is that kizmo you are using to feed them bloodworm and where did you obtain it? I mean on the one hand it looks simple enough but on the other hand it is a great way to reduce the mess in the tank. Btw nice fishes - are they difficult to keep ?

It a worm feeder you can get the off the co-op

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On 7/10/2021 at 5:47 PM, anewbie said:

Bit off topic but what is that kizmo you are using to feed them bloodworm and where did you obtain it? I mean on the one hand it looks simple enough but on the other hand it is a great way to reduce the mess in the tank. Btw nice fishes - are they difficult to keep ?

Its a worm feeder cone. You can get it off the Aquarium Co-op store. I believe it was under $5.


Ropefish are pretty easy to keep once settled I would say. You just need a tank that's big enough for them and to make sure you have a lid and a place for them to pop out of the water. Having that little spot for them to pop out and lay near the surface make them not want to leap out of the tank. Still would want a glass lid that's well sealed though.


I'll stop before I derail things too far or I'll keep talking about them

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