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Unplugged Heaters


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So, I did a big water change on Sunday, and then left town for a week. I realized today that I'm pretty sure I left my heaters unplugged after the water change. I won't be back until Sunday. Any major concerns with leaving hatchetfish, pencilfish, Bolivian Rams, and sterbai cories unheated for a week? I think they'll be around 70 to 72F without the heaters. I normally keep them around 76. 

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Should be fine in my opinion, it will take the water a while to "Heat Soak" /balance out with the room temperature, 5 degrees differential should be totally fine. Also be aware when you get back not to bring the temperature back up too fast, that could be just as dangerous. Depending on the size of your heater and size of your tank (small heater/ big tank will take a while to bring it back up anyway, but a large heater in a smaller tank might bring the temp up too quick and you might want to step the temp back up gradually)

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