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Is this an ok setup for hatching eggs?

Aquarius Aquatics

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On 6/15/2021 at 2:43 AM, Aquarius Aquatics said:

I have eggs in a breeder box with an air stone underneath to tumble eggs does this seem like an ok setup?



Clever! One thing to consider: fungus is everywhere in an established aquarium set up. The air will help, but eggs fungusing over may still pose issues. With the open net, it’s hard to treat with methylene blue or H2O2. But perhaps the air will do the trick!

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the mesh appears to be super fine, is the air actually passing through the mesh or just just collecting underneath? might need to consider something more porous to let more movement through? I'm currently using an egg tumbler from amazon for my Bristlenose Pleco eggs and it works pretty well, i'm happy with it so far, was like $12. Ill update with how the eggs turn out.


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Looks similar to one we are testing with our african cichlid eggs. We normally would just let the mother hatch them and then release them from her mouth. What kind of eggs? With our setup I think the air is not strong enough and the eggs will fungus over. You could try rigid tubing directly infront of the eggs.

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