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Oto cat fin missing

Randall from Texas

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100 gal discus community tank. 5 small discus, tetras, bumblebee cats, salt n pepper Cory's, giant oto, and regular Otos. One of the oto is missing its tail, the attached pic shows another oto with something I need help identifying.

40 nitrate 

0 nitrite 

8 pH 

85 degrees

CO2 injection 2 bps


How much salt can I put in a 100 gal planted tank?

I have the 2 Otos in my 10 gal quarantine with ERYTHROMYCIN now. 









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Plants don't do so well with salt, you might want to salt in Quarantine as well.   Is your tank normally at 85 degrees.  Pepper Cory's are one of the lower temp Corydoras, 76-79 degrees.  Hope you can bring your Otos around.   

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Had to break out the API kit, didn't have time last night. 0 ammonia, and I found that my CO2 is bringing my pH down to 7.6 during the day.

I just found a dead oto that looks like he had been chewed on too. So I think you are right HH Morant they're abrasions.

I have the others in my quarantine tank but I've had trouble treating catfish in the past. They are sensitive to some meds.

Does anyone have experience with a blue eye lemon pleco being super aggressive? That's the other catfish I left off the list and the only thing that I have that I would think is capable of doing this.

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Sometimes larger fish try to eat otos because of their small size. I would guess that is happening here, except that there doesn't seem to be a credible suspect in the tank for that kind of behavior. Maybe it is, as you suspect, territorial aggression among bottom feeders. I have bristlenose plecos, but they show aggression only towards one another.

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The abrasion can be the starting place for a fungal or bacterial infection, so I think you are right to treat it with erythromycin. You have to watch water quality closely because the erythromycin can kill any good bacteria you have in your quarantine tank.

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