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Stocking Suggestions for 33 gal long?

Fish Folk

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Set up the last piece of our little fishroom here this week: a 33 gal long.


Also (hat trick for MTS) have 2x 5.5 gal tanks tucked in the cabinet underneath.


It’s got 3x sponge filters, a small mini pond pump to move water across the long space. It is planted right now with Ludwigia Repens, rotalla indica, and Java moss. Eco complete substrate. 3x bristlenose Plecos.


I can’t decide how to stock it. I like breeding fish a whole lot! There’s already golden white clouds in one of the 5.5 gals underneath.

I’d feel fine running this warm or cool. But I’m not terribly into mere display / community tanks.... everything always leans toward breeding.

Im already breeding Redtail Goodeids (Xenotoca Doadrioi) and Emerald killifish (Fundulopanchax Scheeli) — and could imagine the tank utterly swarming with either species as a colony.

Someday... I’d like to try a huge Apistogramma Cacatuoides super red colony in here, but everything is wrong for that just now.

My favorite sorts of fish include (1) Dwarf Cichlids (2) Hydrophlox Shiners (3) Discus. I’m already loaded with Electric Blue Acaras, doing a separate project with German Blue Rams, and worn out with Dwarf Gouramis,  Angelfish, and Corydoras. I’ve done a lot of tetras... not terribly excited about them right now. Tried and failed a few times recently with Bettas, so they’re out.


I’m  going to mow my cicadas / lawn and do some outside work now.

What say you? How should I stock this tank??



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Red lizard whiptail catfish have recently caught my eye. I don't have any but I want them! South American sucker-mouth, max size 4.4 inches, temp. 75 to 83 degrees. I understand they have been bred in captivity. Even at max size, they don't look very substantial - just long and skinny.

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Hmm..  what do you get for the guys who breed everything? 🤔

Don’t you have a school of some fabulous tiny Barbs? The world needs more of those for sure!

Otherwise, I’m with @Griznatch, a higher flow and Hillstream Loaches would be really cool. 

Edited by Patrick_G
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On 6/13/2021 at 10:46 AM, lefty o said:

a couple pandagarra, and 100 or so chili rasboras. 


On 6/13/2021 at 10:53 AM, Patrick_G said:

🤣 I just noticed you have Pothos growing inside the cabinet. Wonderful! 

Indeed! The under cabinet tanks are awesome sauce 😂

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On 6/13/2021 at 12:56 PM, anewbie said:

One of the smaller dwarf cichlid like borelli but i've always been partial to parents that take care of kids. For egg droppers where there are thousand of choices so i'm not going to go that route 😉


Nice suggestion. I’m ORD (out of reactions for the day 😂) ... but I want this to become an Apistogramma colony eventually. I’m partial to Cacatuoides Super Red. But... Borelli are attractive!

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I really like the drapefin barb suggestion. Another less common barb school could be interesting as well or something with alot of red like Odessas. 

Maybe a big school of danio choprae, I love mine in a big school and have had luck conditioning them as a group and pulling a few out to put in a breeding tank. 

Edited by MAC
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On 6/13/2021 at 2:05 PM, MAC said:

I really like the drapefin barb suggestion. Another less common barb school could be interesting as well or something with alot of red like Odessas. 

Maybe a big school of dance choprae, I love mine in a big school and have had luck conditioning them as a group and pulling a few out to put in a breeding tank. 

That’s a good looking little fish! Danios are something to really consider. I’m interested in Celestial Pearl Danios too.

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—Thanks, NERMs, for all of the suggestions! I’ve decided to simmer down, do a responsible thing, and use this tank as grow out for my Emerald Killifish. I’ll be referencing these great ideas down the road someday, if I can figure out how to move the Killis along!—

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