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Brandy's Fish Room Build Journal


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Those squatters are suuuuper cute! 😍🐣

I'm glad the tanks moved well - that seems like a huge job!  Whenever I finally find the piece of furniture I want for under my 20 gallon, I am fretting just transferring the tank from one piece to another! 😂

Love seeing all of your fun progress!!  Thank you for sharing!!!

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On 7/17/2021 at 6:35 AM, lefty o said:

how big is the freebie tank? looks nice. the wood grain trim makes it look like an old AllGlass "show" tank. they were nice stuff.

It's 125 gallons. And yeah, pretty sure it is an old all glass. Very nice, lots of hard water stains to scrape off, but then I'll have to do a fill and leak test. It was holding water for a turtle and goldfish until a week ago, but judging by the hard water stains it was not completely full.

The fake wood trim might need to be masked and painted black. But the tank seems to be rock solid.

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On 7/16/2021 at 10:22 PM, Brandy said:

But! I did score the best Craigslist freebie yesterday!


That's going to go in the living room soon! The question is... Do I go with a UGF, sponges/corner matten, or just circulation, plants, and MTS? 

I'm leaning hard toward a @Daniel inspired simple box o' water plan. Much like a super sized 1930's aquarium.

I'm partial to corner matten with a couple of sponge filters in the rear. Id not do a UGF if this is going to be a 20 year planted tank - too much can go wrong down there...

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On 7/17/2021 at 10:11 AM, anewbie said:

I'm partial to corner matten with a couple of sponge filters in the rear. Id not do a UGF if this is going to be a 20 year planted tank - too much can go wrong down there...

I'm pretty partial to the corner matten too. Especially since I'm a fan of a coarse sand substrate. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

So, I'm doing a lot of other things, because so much is weather dependant in Seattle...


But I have not forgotten!

I bought a linear piston pump and I will take pics of my slow build out. 

Also, I scored an incredible deal on brand new tanks and two used ones... This will bring me to 6x40g, 2x 29g 1x 20h, 5 x 15g, and 7x10g. Oh, and the as yet empty 125g in the living room. Picked these up last night at midnight. 


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  • 4 months later...

Well. I warned you. Slow. 

I have tanks...


I have space and a lovely ACO linear piston air pump...


Lord knows I have fish. And snails. Plants. And shrimp... And big, BIG plans!

What the heck is the hold up, you say?! Also, where HAVE YOU BEEN?!

This. This is the problem.


I have, in the entire 600sf future fish room, a single outlet, which is dedicated to running the sump pump that keeps the floor from being 6-8 inches below the water table.

But! I am finally able to find a month or so to dedicate all my spare time to JUST THIS PROJECT!!

Step one. Expand electrical options...

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Yay!! Look at all those tanks!

Step one sounds like a good first step. Otherwise you are going to have a lot more gallons in that fish room than you planned on. Alternative strategy: line the whole basement in silicone and let it flood. One giant community tank. Scuba dive to aquascape.

Will step two be to get some yoga mats or squishy placemats to put over the concrete? I’m not sure if it’s really an issue, but my instincts are wary of putting the tanks directly on the concrete shelf.

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Amazing looking room!  I think it's coming along nicely.  I'm glad to see someone else besides me has things that keep them from making progress at the pace they'd like to.  With some of the builds I have seen on here, I was worried it was only me. 😜

On 1/18/2022 at 9:54 PM, Brandy said:

Also, where HAVE YOU BEEN?!

Just glad you are back! 


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