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3 days ago I purchased 10 Glowligh tetras from a pet shop. Upon arrival at home I noticed one of them had some white spots on the tail and some white on the fins. Another one had some redness on their stomach which now turned into what's seen on the photo, I assume fungus?


I'm not sure what the disease is and what medication to treat it with. 

Water parameters are all perfect.

As of now in the house I have: Seachem's Prime, Stability, Clarity

Interpet's Anti Fungus and Finrotn, Interpet's Aqualibrium first aid salt additive, AllPondSollutions Aquarium Rescue, King British Disease Clear and King British White spot Control

Since I don't have a hospital tank and other fish now started showing some white on their fins I will be treating the whole 58L tank at once. The two fish with the most visible symptoms are in the photo.

Any help is much appreciated


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