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Need help choosing dither fish!

Lexi B

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I've got a group of ember tetras that are very shy. They did well with dither fish in the past, although due to some aggression issues, they are no longer with the guppies. I spoke to someone at the aquarium co op store that recommended a species of danio. 

What would be a good choice for a 20 gallon long with a betta and ember tetras. 

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3 minutes ago, lefty o said:

my thought is the harlequin rasbora. get slightly bigger than the embers, but they tend to intermingle a bit.

Ooh, yes. Have you by chance kept them with shrimp before? I know fish tend to be a gamble but so far I've been lucky 

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12 hours ago, lefty o said:

my thought is the harlequin rasbora. get slightly bigger than the embers, but they tend to intermingle a bit.

This! My Harlequin/ Ember mix is very lively. Embers were very shy before, now they "run" the tank.

Edited by Mmiller2001
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8 minutes ago, Lexi B said:

They were originally my first choice, but I heard rumors that they were also quite shy. Would you agree with that?

With mine it seems to be random, some days they’ll be super active and others they’ll be super shy. I currently have a group of 5 in my 20 long (I’m about to get more in the next few days). That being said, I had a group of 6 Glo lite danios that were shy in a heavily planted 10 with 1 betta, and I just added 3 more on Monday (so now 9 total) and theyre starting to come out more.

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