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Dwarf Aquarium Lily Floating


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I am running into an issue where a recently-purchased, dwarf aquarium lily refuses to have it's bulb sink to the bottom of the tank. Any recommendations besides weighing it down? Will it eventually sink on its own? Is something wrong with it? Its been roughly 3 days since the plant was added to the tank. Note that the plant is not just the bulb but also has many leaves and roots.

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It may no longer be viable. If it doesn't sink on its own in another few days I would try returning or exchanging it. I bought 7 bulbs from petco a few months ago a pack of 3 lily bulbs and a pack of 4 mixed species. 1 bulb from each pack sank and only the lily ever sprouted. They had actually put an extra in each pack to. I returned both and purchased some food instead. I stick with coop and one other vendor I trust for plants now and other hobbyists too

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I think burying the roots and maybe adding a rock or two on top of them might be easiest. If a fish is moving it that will help.

If it is uprooting because the leaves are really long and the current is catching them, then it is easy, cut them right off, lilies grow so fast that you will have plenty of new leaves in a week or two and in the mean time the roots will have a chance to get a grip.

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I have had this problem before. Typically what I do is push the roots into the substrate then lean one to two small river rocks against it (or something that has some weight to it) until the roots can grow in.  I did partially wonder if the bulb has become depleted, but if its growing maybe not. 

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