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My New 40 gallon Guppy and Bristlenose Breeding Tank!!


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I have finally got the time to set up my 40 gallon tank! It's going to be a bit hard to catch anything out of this tank but I couldn't resist trying to scape the tank. Super happy because this is my biggest tank so far! I scaped it with some Manzanita and Malaysian driftwood. Also used river rock because I just had it laying around. For the plants, I used crypts, amazon swords, java fern, java moss, crinum calamustratum, and some java moss. I tried to do a breeding tank so I chose the albino koi guppies and lemon blue eyed bristlnose plecos. Thanks for looking, tell me if I should add anything, I would really appreciate any feedback


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Looks good!   It wont be to bad catching the guppies, I always snag a few on accident removing duck-weed, the plecos however will be another story.  I have a 29 with guppies, plecos, and red cherry shrimp.  If you are looking to set this up as a "for profit" tank maybe consider adding some shrimp, looks like there is plenty of cover for them.

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 If you are looking to set this up as a "for profit" tank maybe consider adding some shrimp, looks like there is plenty of cover for them.

What kind of shrimp do you think I should keep? I was thinking maybe the blue dreams because the substrate is a lighter color

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