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On 7/17/2021 at 4:07 PM, Streetwise said:

I loved watching my flame scallop move in my marine tank. It would adjust its position based on the water flow in the tank.

I believe it has just done that. It is now happily parked in the corner where the flow brings all the food through. And, Mr. Mendel has been getting a shell detailing from Captain Ahab!

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The critters keep redecorating and moving around. Mendel is now snuggling with the anemones, and Lorenzo has completely covered the rock with the massive sand excavation he has going on under the big rock with the barnacles.






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A note as to why I like the V-Sump. Just like a regular sump, all the cleaning activity happens there without touching the tank. All media gets removed for cleaning without disrupting the flow of water in and out of the tank. All water changes take place in the V-Sump so nothing really goes into the tank except for critters and food.

The crabs already ate all of the Green tuft (Cladophora columbiana) and most of the Rockweed (Fucus gardneri). Time to go grocery shopping for the kids!

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On 7/21/2021 at 11:40 AM, eatyourpeas said:


I like that they have all decided to get cozy together.  What a nice little community you have in there!

On 7/21/2021 at 12:00 PM, eatyourpeas said:


Sump!  Sump!  Sump!  A sump convert perhaps?  😈

On 7/21/2021 at 12:00 PM, eatyourpeas said:

Time to go grocery shopping for the kids

It's nice you have a fresh market so close by.  😉

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On 7/21/2021 at 7:37 PM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

Sump!  Sump!  Sump!  A sump convert perhaps?  😈

You already know you've gotten me to the dark side! I just happen to be vertical due to space constraints. 🤪

On 7/21/2021 at 7:37 PM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

It's nice you have a fresh market so close by.  😉

Yep, market had lots of fresh goodies!

I am still identifying most of the stuff, but here is a partial list:

Hairy shore crab (Hemigrapsus oregonensis)

Grainyhand hermit crab (Pagurus granosimanus)

Red seaweed (Sarcodiotheca gaudichaudii)

Red spaguetti (Gracilariopsis sjoestedtii)

Red cellophane (Porphyra cuneiformis)

Bleach weed (Prionitis lanceolata)

Sea lettuce (Ulva lactuca)

Pacific Blood Star (Henricia leviuscula)

Brittle star (Ophiocamax fasciculata)

The tank and some closer views:





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Super excited to see a healthy Brittle Star.  When I moved to the PNW 20 years ago, you'd see starfish of every color and size all over submerged pier pilings and on the beaches at low tide from Everett to Olympia.  Then came the wasting disease 😢 and 99% of them disappeared almost overnight.  Get that guy/gal a mate and get some Barry White playing stat!

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On 7/22/2021 at 6:22 PM, Streetwise said:

I really appreciate seeing a bit of the marine hobby here. I know who I can ask for advice if I re-visit saltwater.

Mmm... I am not sure I can provide much info with regards to tank parameters since I do not even mix water for it. I know I have a slight discrepancy in salinity between different beaches, and the typical tank parameters are pretty stable. I am encountering a huge amount of skimmate, which is good and bad, but I am keeping on top of it. The critters are kind of messy and I do not feed dry foods.

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On 7/22/2021 at 6:31 PM, NanoNano said:

Super excited to see a healthy Brittle Star.  When I moved to the PNW 20 years ago, you'd see starfish of every color and size all over submerged pier pilings and on the beaches at low tide from Everett to Olympia.  Then came the wasting disease 😢 and 99% of them disappeared almost overnight.  Get that guy/gal a mate and get some Barry White playing stat!

Yes, it is a wonderful sight! I remember 20 years ago you could find lots of starfish and sand dollars. The wasting disease definitely took a toll on them, but they are now reappearing and it is encouraging. No sand dollars, though. But who knows, if we keep having triple digit temperatures that might be a short term triumph. I hope not.

I have Barry White and one Brittle star, now I need to find a mate for it! 😉

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On 7/22/2021 at 6:31 PM, NanoNano said:

Super excited to see a healthy Brittle Star.  When I moved to the PNW 20 years ago, you'd see starfish of every color and size all over submerged pier pilings and on the beaches at low tide from Everett to Olympia.  Then came the wasting disease 😢 and 99% of them disappeared almost overnight.  Get that guy/gal a mate and get some Barry White playing stat!

In regards to the starfish wasting disease I can talk on that. My professor in college was one of the scientists on that project. The purple seastars Pisaster ochraceus were experiencing mass die offs due to their limbs melting and fragmentation. I believe they were the ones experiencing the worst of it but the team introduced new genes to the genetic pool and rereleased them in several areas. They have recruited dive teams to survey certain beaches and in many areas the starfish have made a resounding recovery even in the last 5 years since the genetically resistant starfish were introduced. 


Tangent aside I do love seeing the Puget Sound biotope

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On 7/23/2021 at 9:42 AM, eatyourpeas said:

Yes, it is a wonderful sight! I remember 20 years ago you could find lots of starfish and sand dollars. The wasting disease definitely took a toll on them, but they are now reappearing and it is encouraging. No sand dollars, though. But who knows, if we keep having triple digit temperatures that might be a short term triumph. I hope not.

I have Barry White and one Brittle star, now I need to find a mate for it! 😉

We still have plenty of Sand Dollars in Quartermaster Harbor. I’m also seeing Stars again. Like @Biotope Biologistsaid it’s a resounding  recovery. 

Edited by Patrick_G
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On 7/23/2021 at 10:46 AM, Patrick_G said:

We still have plenty of Sand Dollars in Quartermaster Harbor. I’m also seeing Stars again. Like @Biotope Biologistsaid it’s a resounding  recovery. 

I would like a week of island hoping to check out all the different marine life that I do not see here. I had to run to the beach and get clams because I just learned the anemones are not into the frozen food (they spat it out), so it looks like they prefer (love!) fresh clam meat. I always seem to end up with the picky eaters! 🙄

Edited by eatyourpeas
Bad grammar
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On 7/23/2021 at 10:32 AM, Biotope Biologist said:

The purple seastars Pisaster ochraceus were experiencing mass die offs due to their limbs melting and fragmentation.

There were so many of them! I had to take detours between rocks because they were completely overtaking the passage and I did not want to disturb them. Beautiful sight! 😍

Edited by eatyourpeas
Fixed typos.
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@eatyourpeas, I got really good at mixing salt! I could hit 1.022-1.025 pretty easily with practice.

If I started a marine tank today, I would be interested in the modern filtration options, and I might dip my toes in coral. I have a couple of Tunze internal filter/skimmer units in storage, waiting for their next job.

It is not a project currently on my radar, so I will enjoy living vicariously from your thread!

Actually, I do have a marine question: Is there a marine analog to a Walstad aquarium?

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On 7/23/2021 at 2:25 PM, Streetwise said:

Actually, I do have a marine question: Is there a marine analog to a Walstad aquarium?

The only method I know that comes close is a DSB (Deep Sand Bed) but I am not too keen on it. Some people use it to great success, and can be a good filter option. I admit to not being experienced enough to try it, and I am still getting used to my critters rearranging everything.

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On 7/23/2021 at 2:25 PM, Streetwise said:

I got really good at mixing salt! I could hit 1.022-1.025 pretty easily with practice.

My salinity levels are right at 1.022 and sometimes my local beach can get as low as 1.019 after rains due to the insane amount of runoff. I try to avoid that water when that happens.

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On 7/23/2021 at 2:25 PM, Streetwise said:

I have a couple of Tunze internal filter/skimmer units in storage, waiting for their next job.

Nice! I like Tunze products. I made my own internal skimmer which drains wet skimmate into the V-Sump. I just learned I can use some of it to feed the clams that I store in the V-Sump for future feedings.

I was looking into their magnetic powerheads but with a 1" thick aquarium that idea went out the window. Luckily, the tank is small enough that I could redirect the filter flow and it makes a strong current to keep everyone happy.

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I am finding a lot of things that are used in tropical marine tanks do not apply to temperate ones, so I am learning as I go.

I do catch lots of pods out of the overflow which is quite convenient for feeding the puffers. 🙂

On 7/23/2021 at 2:49 PM, Streetwise said:

I was just running FowLR, without intentional corals, besides any live rock hitchhikers.

You are far more advanced than I am! 🙃

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On 7/23/2021 at 5:12 PM, Streetwise said:

I really want an excuse to try these expensive VorTech powerheads

Those are on my list for my Deep Reef tank that I am working on!  I'm finding Rift Lakes cichlids can take, and seem to enjoy, quite a bit of current.  On my P-Salt, which is 42 gal, I've got the pump up to up to ~660gph and the Cyps are constantly playing in the jet flow (I have a random flow generator on the outflow, which seems to make it more fun for them).  And the Julies are still little helicopters, just hovering wherever they please.  I think wave generators like the VorTech will be great on a 250gal!

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