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Of Course You All Bought Up The Nano Banquets!

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I’ve been buying the Zoo Med Nano Banquet blocks for a while now from the Co-Op. I dropped my last two in my tank yesterday, and was surprised to find it Sold Out on the website. Then I remembered Cory featured it in a recent video. LoL. 

It is awesome for anyone with shrimp and snails in a community tank. I just wish I could convince me of my local stores to carry it. 

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The problem is, so many manufacturers are having problems fulfilling things. We've been struggling with the banquet blocks all covid. I feel like they aren't even producing them lol.

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2 hours ago, Cory said:

The problem is, so many manufacturers are having problems fulfilling things. We've been struggling with the banquet blocks all covid. I feel like they aren't even producing them lol.

I totally understand Cory. I was more laughing it off because I realized you featured it and it’s gone. Haha. 

I can get them somewhere else, but I prefer to support my local shops and then you when I need something. I’ll still be ordering Easy Green soon enough. Haha. 

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3 hours ago, Celly Rasbora said:

It’s on my wish list. Because Cory featured it. 

My snails turned into voracious plant eaters, so  I had to do something. They devoured a new crypt I thought had just melted. I thinned the rapacious herd, but I am trying to keep the remaining snails well-fed. 

There are usually a cherry shrimp on mine. I don’t see my snails on it as often, but I’ve never had trouble with shells. Maybe they visit it at night, or I guess it absorbing over time into the water can help with that. And maybe even with the plants. I try to put two in every week. 

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I think he mentioned in a live stream that they were a good source of food for daphnia...or did I imagine that. Anyone know what size tank a nano block would be good for? I'm about to move my daphnia culture outside for the spring so a little perspective would be appreciated.


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