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Unique Vienna guppy


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I have breed many Vienna guppy’s but have only had one like this. I wanted some options on if I should try breeding him for his unique look or would that “ruin” the Vienna guppy. Also if Cory or someone from the coop could chime in I would really like to hear their opinions. Thank you all this is truly a great community of people. 


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32 minutes ago, Dan said:

I have breed many Vienna guppy’s but have only had one like this. I wanted some options on if I should try breeding him for his unique look or would that “ruin” the Vienna guppy. Also if Cory or someone from the coop could chime in I would really like to hear their opinions. Thank you all this is truly a great community of people. 


No guppy aficionado here . . . just enjoy the variety of colors they splash out. I think that if _you_ like a guppy strain, someone else will too. Make more! Get a generation going, and see what you think about them in 6 months. 

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  • 2 months later...

Were you referring to the top left male or the bottom right male? I really love how much orange and red show on its caudal and dorsal fins! How much variation do you find in your offspring?

On 4/13/2021 at 2:51 PM, Dan said:

I have breed many Vienna guppy’s but have only had one like this. I wanted some options on if I should try breeding him for his unique look or would that “ruin” the Vienna guppy. Also if Cory or someone from the coop could chime in I would really like to hear their opinions. Thank you all this is truly a great community of people. 



I like Fish Folk's advice: pair it off with a virgin female and see what the offspring look like after 6 months. Would love to see how they develop.

Off topic, but I kinda want to start a thread to see where all people with Vienna guppies live and how they got them. Would be fun to track out the lines. I just got 6 from SC Aquatics in Ohio (Shout out to Stephen for being awesome), who got them from Jimmy.

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Bottom right. I did breed him and got 5 fry. Waiting to see how they color up. And yes I’ve noticed with the Vienna’s the can be a big difference in the patterns an color. 

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