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Stocking suggestions


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In my planted 75 I have a lot of barbs.  6 Odessa, 8 gold, 5 tiger,  5 flame tetras, 5 brilliant rasboras, 2 gold dojo loaches, a couple Cory cats, a whip tail cat and two otocinclus.  Is there room for a larger show piece fish. And given the cantankerous  attitude of the barbs, what could I put in there?

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3 minutes ago, TomO said:

In my planted 75 I have a lot of barbs.  6 Odessa, 8 gold, 5 tiger,  5 flame tetras, 5 brilliant rasboras, 2 gold dojo loaches, a couple Cory cats, a whip tail cat and two otocinclus.  Is there room for a larger show piece fish. And given the cantankerous  attitude of the barbs, what could I put in there?

Is it hard to get food down to the bottom dwellers? If you can get enough down there (try sinking pellets if you don't have them yet), get more Corydoras catfish! Also some more otocinclus. For showpiece fish, a pearl gourami would do really well in that aquarium. Maybe a dwarf gourami would work too. Other fish to try would be angelfish, kribensis cichlids, and bolivian rams.

Any pictures of the tank? It might give me a better idea of some more options for the aquarium.

I hope this helps, and good luck!

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2 minutes ago, TomO said:

I had a big angel, the tigers chewed it to a stub. I tried a couple small parrot fish. They killed one, the other I put with Stubby the angelfish. I hope I can find some gourami.

If they chewed up angelfish, they would do the same to a gourami. Even though I have not had any experience with them, I would recommend bigger cichlids like a blue acara or severum, as I heard that they work well with semi-aggressive community fish like barbs. Just make sure that these bigger fish don't pick on the cories, loaches, otos, or whiptail catfish.

Edited by CorydorasEthan
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