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I can't believe how much I love this angelfish


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I've thrown plenty of shade on angelfish in the past, and I don't think I'll ever like the creepy boney look of white angelfish, but I just got this lil guy in the mail, dealer's pick, to help control my endler population and he just got of quarantine. So gosh darn cute! I love how curious he is, looking around slowly at everything, and how he has to tilt his whole silly body to look at things, like "...wooowwww..."


I probably shouldn't call him "he" yet because I have no idea how to sex angelfish. But I'm thinking of calling him "Fafner" since I hope he teaches these young endlers a little fear 😛

Anyway, I formally apologize to the angelfish lovers out there for dissing them. They are totally fun to watch and I'm so happy I have one. May have to get another for the swordtail/guppy tank!

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Angelfish are defentley my favorite fish. My favorite thing about them is how they "dance" for there food. Whenever I hold up an object to my angel he automatically thinks its foods, and starts waving around.


Sometimes I'll peek at them on one side of tank, they come running over! then I do the other and they come running over some more!

I need to catch some video of this.

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It's so true! I've only ever had my current one, but he's hilarious. I like it when he goes exploring into a tight spot, then just slowly swims backwards to get out. Something cool to look for is the way they'll flatten their top fin down when approaching the surface of the water, and tuck their dangly fins upward when near the bottom. Mine has recently developed the personality of a chompy little dog - biting my finger when available. (I usually wear disposable gloves, so he gets no reaction from me besides "nanner nanner.") Dude also delights in sucking snails off the glass and immediately spitting them out hard, in rapid succession. He's a riot. 

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I've never kept an angel before, and I go back and forth on whether I want one or not, though I've been thinking about getting another fish for fry control (since my catfish has gotten very, VERY lazy). I do love the ones with the shorter fins and stripes, and have been tempted when I see them. I'll have to think about it/read about them a bit more. Would a 40 breeder house one well? I know they get pretty big vertically. I'm guessing since you have one in with livebearers they'll be ok in harder water?

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20 minutes ago, H.K.Luterman said:

I've never kept an angel before, and I go back and forth on whether I want one or not, though I've been thinking about getting another fish for fry control (since my catfish has gotten very, VERY lazy). I do love the ones with the shorter fins and stripes, and have been tempted when I see them. I'll have to think about it/read about them a bit more. Would a 40 breeder house one well? I know they get pretty big vertically. I'm guessing since you have one in with livebearers they'll be ok in harder water?

I think they'll be fine in a 40. I have one in a 36 which is a touch small, but since it's a relatively tall tank, I think I'll be okay. It's important to remember they can get something like 8" tall, and making sure there's enough vertical space for them to swim freely.

I tried to harden up my water as much as I could for my livebearers, but I naturally have pretty soft water, so the KH never gets above low normal and the GH is only slightly elevated. And since I don't want these livebearers to breed as much as they have been, I'm calming down on the additives and just doing straight water changes for awhile. Angel seems happy so far!

Edited by Kirsten
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40 minutes ago, H.K.Luterman said:

Would a 40 breeder house one well? I know they get pretty big vertically. I'm guessing since you have one in with livebearers they'll be ok in harder water?

40 gallons is about the smallest an adult angel would be happy in long-term. I don't know how tall a 40 breeder is. I remember measuring the height of my adult angel, and deciding 12" would have to be the minimum height, even short-term.

My angel's water is GH 11, and KH 3. Seems fine - but that's anecdotal. He also seemed fine when the nitrates were above 60 for a long time (I didn't know better.) So take my GH and KH with a grain of salt. 

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10 minutes ago, CalmedByFish said:

40 gallons is about the smallest an adult angel would be happy in long-term. I don't know how tall a 40 breeder is. I remember measuring the height of my adult angel, and deciding 12" would have to be the minimum height, even short-term.

My angel's water is GH 11, and KH 3. Seems fine - but that's anecdotal. He also seemed fine when the nitrates were above 60 for a long time (I didn't know better.) So take my GH and KH with a grain of salt. 

40 breeders are about 18in high, minus a couple inches due to substrate. Hmmmmm. 

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1 hour ago, H.K.Luterman said:

40 breeders are about 18in high, minus a couple inches due to substrate. Hmmmmm. 

I think a 40breeder would be ok. They seem to appreciate a vertical space more than horizontal, though of course the caveats of water quality vs. bioload and bigger-is-always better apply. 


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7 hours ago, H.K.Luterman said:

I've never kept an angel before, and I go back and forth on whether I want one or not, though I've been thinking about getting another fish for fry control (since my catfish has gotten very, VERY lazy). I do love the ones with the shorter fins and stripes, and have been tempted when I see them. I'll have to think about it/read about them a bit more. Would a 40 breeder house one well? I know they get pretty big vertically. I'm guessing since you have one in with livebearers they'll be ok in harder water?

I have 2 in a 40 breeder. ones almost full grown the other is still got some growing left to do. 


Heres my favorite fish (my first fish i ever got) chasing my finger. He was the first fish that did that with me, and quickly sparked my love for angels.

In my opinion the bare minumum for an angelfish is a 30 gallon, but a 40 gallon is preferable. 



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6 hours ago, H.K.Luterman said:

Now to prowl the local stores for one I like. 

For the sake of efficiency, and ya know, not catching nasty germs, I'd suggest using the internet to narrow it down to 1-2 colors or patterns you majorly like. Then call stores to ask if they have it in stock. That's how I did it years ago. Way easier. 

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