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  1. Hello, All, Mark here and this is my first post to the forum. I’m going to be start a new Discus tank. This will be first venture into these guys. I was originally going to put them in my 125 gallon 60” tank with a few angel fish. Starting off I was going to purchase 5-6 juveniles at once and go from there. I’ve read through YouTube videos and forums and have found more opinions than are helpful until I stumbled upon Aquarium Co Ops videos. I have two unanswered questions: 1) how important is the selection of type of substrate with Discus. It will be a planted tank so I want some substrate. People say sand is very important, but how important is it really? White sand gets messy looking real quick. 2) I also have a 60 gallon cube tank. If I put five discus in there with no other tank mates with a twice a week water change will that work or do they need lateral space to swim? The cube tank sits in the middle of the living room and would display them more beautifully I think. Any help would be appreciated. In advance, thanks and happy fishing! Mark
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