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  1. So recently I moved my aquarium to my office. This office is sound proofed mostly and very quiet, very calm. The previous location was quite the opposite. I have noticed a HUGE shift in the behavior of my pygmy cories and otocinclus. They are super active now, even when I'm up close to the tank. Because of this, I've noticed my pygmy cories doing an odd behavior... excavating. I've seen this multiple times. Initially I thought they were just looking for the tubifex worms that live in my substrate, but I am beginning to believe they are doing this for a different reason, as they will be next to a big field of wiggling tubifex and rather than go Lady and the Tramp spaghetti dinner on them, they dig. Important to note is this isn't one cory doing this. I've seen three or four working together at the same time to dig the little tunnels / cave / etc. Really friggin adorable This is SUPER cute and personally I don't mind. All my plants are very well rooted and I am not worried about them ruining my scape at all. Its fun to watch them interact with one another, and I am very curious to see what they use these underground tunnels for. Pics for reference! (sorry for the bad quality LOL) here is a "close up" of their main tunnel, ft two cutie cories and a bladder snail who was checking things out - they've been digging on all three of those circled areas (ft teddy the oto) new tunnel they've started recently ^ one of the tunnels they've made in the middle of the aquarium - hard to get a pic but it's noticeable in person if anyone knows why my cories are doing this, that would be great! Otherwise, I will keep enjoying this weird hobby they've picked up.
  2. So we upgraded from a 55 to a 125 during the move to another house. We combined a few new members to the originally cool water no heater tank which we felt needed to have a heater. So we added one 100 watt heater for starters. My six male longfinned Rosy Barbs usually are all over the tank—but stayed in this proximity to the heater for a long time after placing it in the tank. Any ideas as to why they were doing that? Oh and feel free to add your odd behavior or interesting curiosities to this topic heading because it’s fun to try to figure these creatures out.😁
  3. I have a 20L tank with 12 rainbow shiners. I realize I have neglected water changes for quite some time and I believe I have been over feeding looking back at things. I noticed something was wrong when one fish had problems with his eyes and was acting erratic. He swam strangely and bumped into the driftwood and plants. He doesn't shoal with the others and I think he may be blind now. This is because when I netted him out he didn't know the net was there and wondered into it when he was bumbling about. I tested the water immediately and my nitrate was off the scale of 160ppm. Here are the test results: PH: 7.3 (two months ago it was 7.74 which is closer to normal with my water) temp: 73 Ammonia: 0.25 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 160 + TDS: 656 I looked online and did a rapid nitrate reduction water change I found that targeted salt water hobbyists. I drained the tank to 20% and then filled it to 40% with dechlorinated tap water 2 times. Then one more time I drained the water from 40% to 20% and then filled it up full. My water after the changes: PH: 8.49 Temp: 73 Ammonia: 0.5 (I have chloramine in my tap water so some ammonia is present) Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 5 ppm TDS: 652 I will keep an eye on the tank and the fish in question still is by himself, but looks like he is picking around the moss and substrate for food. So I think he may not know where the others are in the tank? Also one of the pictures looks like there is some discoloring on one of his gills. Here are some pictures of him and the last picture is of a healthy looking tank mates for comparison.
  4. New fish owner here. When we got our betta he was super active and followed us around the tank and readily ate. He stopped eating about 5 days ago became lethargic. I thought i may have over-fed him pellets and thought he could go a day or two without eating. Day 3 of him not eating he started hanging out behind the filter and near the heater. Day 4 of him not eating and being lethargic and after some research, I thought this may be due to low temperature (75F) at the time so I turned up the heater. It measured about 77F and soon and he started to move around more. About 30 minutes later he was going between breathing heavy on the bottom of the tank and rushing to the surface and then back down. Yesterday afternoon I did a 25% water change with tempered water because my test kit was reading a pH of about 6.8. I went to get a cup of coffee this morning and found him dead on the bottom of the tank. Throughout the last 5 days I have been sampling the water daily and have had no difference in what I have below with the exception of pH. Other things to note, I have a Ramshorn Snail in the tank that's been laying eggs like crazy and am wondering if this is a factor. Also my filter is running very slow and dumping onto some plants so I don't think a large current is an issue. We have an aquarium gravel cleaner for cleaning the tank and a designated bucket for adding water back into the tank as to not introduce chemicals. I've been feeding him Omega One Betta Buffet Pellets. Water readings last night at 10pm pH: 7.0 Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 5ppm Hardness: about 75ppm Chlorine: 0ppm Alkalinity: 0ppm I've attached a picture of "A the Fish" as of last night. Any advice is much appreciated.
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