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  1. I love my boy Leroy, he is really struggling though. I do weekly water changes, feed him daily, etc. 30 gallon tank. stocked otherwise with pygmy cories. His shell is clearly suffering from calcium deficiency. I have been giving him special snello that is high in calcium for the passed week. His foot is also wrinkly and his skin almost turned a blue hue at one moment. His shell is also much duller than usual. For the past two weeks he has been very inactive. I am so scared, is he sick? Diseased? Is this just a calcium deficiency?? Please help I am really worried. Should I add aquarium salt? He is 5 months old and he has been in the tank for 4 months. My camera quality is really poor but maybe pictures will help. pH 7.0 gH 6 kH 8 . Temperature 74 degrees F . No nitrites, 10 nitrate, no ammonia
  2. I was at Petco picking up a check valve and saw that they were selling rabbit snails so I picked one up, of course it's not in that great of shape and has some shell damage. What should I do to help prevent more damage to the shell? I already feed my snails tums and vegetables every other week.
  3. Just thought this was something interesting to share. I keep mystery snails and had one that damaged it's shell from crawling out of the tank. I repaired it and he was actually doing quite well for quite a while. It died recently and I was very curious to see how the shell had repaired under the patch. The other snails in the tank cleaned out the shell fairly quickly (or at least before I found it.) I thought it was really cool to see how the shell repaired itself. (See pics.) One could argue he would have survived without a patch, but... eh, I felt it was borderline. I use plastic grocery bag and Instant Ocean Hold Fast Aquarium Bond Stick. It's a pain in the butt to do it but I like to give the snails the best shot at recovery. My experience has been that they live longer with the patch, but their lifespan is generally shorter than an average snail.
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