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  1. Hello all, I recently bought a “male female pair” of Rainbow Kribs and was wondering if anyone could help me with sexing them. The first one is larger, more colorful, and seems to roam freely around the tank and outgoing. The second one is smaller, less colorful, and more timid. The first one always chases the second one if they see each other, so the second one ends up hiding in the back of the aquarium. The last two pics are the only times I could get a picture of the second one. Sorry if the pictures aren’t great.
  2. Male (L) / Female (R) Male (Top) Displays more iridescence on the edges of his fins, and a lighter, brighter color pallet of orange and blue. His body is more streamlined and he is larger, with a less prominent belly when recently fed. His dorsal fin does not come to a fine, thin point, but is more rounded before it comes to a point at the end. Very slight nuchal hump that makes the face appear subtly dished. Female (Bottom) Displays a shorter, deeper body with darker orange and blue tones. Wider belly when recently fed, and very little iridescence, it is really only across the body. Dorsal fin sharply pointed at the end, with no rounded taper. Lacks a nuchal hump, face is not dished at all and slopes down in a smooth line. Face tends to be slightly shorter than males. I will update behavioral differences I notice as I get to know these fish, but since there’s like no good sexing guides on these guys I figured I would put one out there. Before someone asks, I got them from Dan’s Fish, but they are now sold out.
  3. I need platy help with the following: What are the ways to determine the sex? At what age can you determine the sex? What is the criteria to estimate age? What age (approx size) are they able to reproduce? @theplatymaster
  4. Is that a nuchal hump on this fish? This is my first group of peacocks Gudgeons. I bought them as fry, and I’m not sure how tell when they are mature.
  5. i know this section is called "Fish Breeding" but this is close enough on topic, its snail breeding. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea i have seen this on the right side of my mystery snail, is it a sheath meaning its male or is it something else? i have seen the siphon on the left side. (siphon is left, sheath is right, correct?)
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