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  1. I'd never used any Sera O-nip tab before the formula change, so I didn't have a baseline for what to expect in either of them. When I ordered them on Amazon, I got the new nature kind (in the smaller quantity box). My fish actually liked them, so I made an order for a larger jar, but this time I got the classic "old" version. I was happy because I figured they had to be even better, longer lasting than the new formula. Since I had both on hand, I decided to film my guppies and platys attacking both side by side and see the difference. Short video below, but I'll just spoil it by saying that while I observed the fish swarming both of them at the same time, the new "nature" formula lasted the longest. Has Sera fixed the new formula, or is there some other explanation here? I still have both old and new formulas tabs, and other fish tanks, if anyone has a suggestion for another experiment.
  2. Hi all quite often when I’ve watched videos of aquarium co-op they put a type of food that looks like it’s stuck to the glass please what type of food is this I’ve certainly not seen anything like it fish stores here in Ireland ????
  3. Got to admit... I was pretty pleased to find Sera fish foods being sold at a Pet[box-store] in a nearby town. I decided to try out the Veggies Spirulina Tabs. Supposed to stick to the glass...
  4. We're super excited to have the Sera O-Nip Tabs again. It's been awhile since our fish enjoyed these. I'm just going to leave this here . . . it was a fun morning watching all the tanks today . . .
  5. With sera changing the formula for the o-nip tablets I have been looking for a good replacement. Has anybody tried the TROPICAL BRAND SUPERVIT tablet A. If you have how did your fish like it. Did it hold together and not just completely fall apart like the sera does for me
  6. I recall Cory being disappointed with the "new" tabs, what is different from the old tabs?
  7. At times through Cory's YouTube videos he will show food that is attached to the glass which I would love to use for my nano fish. Anyone know what kind of food that is?
  8. Trying to figure out what food this is that sticks to the glass? Thinking this might just be the best way to feed my hillstream loaches in my community tank. I can hide them behind the filter.
  9. Have a planted tank that you need to move fish out of but you just can’t catch them? Stick an O-Nip tablet on the glass. I had to move 3 surplus male Kribs out of 40 breeder and wasn’t having much success netting them. When I put the tablet on the glass the target fish were so interested in the tablet I caught all three in less than a minute. No muss no fuss.
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