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  1. So I’ve been thinking about getting dwarf centipede knives for Christmas, but the problem is that they are all wild caught, so I was planning on setting up a 10 gallon quarantine tank for them, how should I do it? What sort of filter should I use? Do I have to worry about cycling it? Do I need a heater? What meds should I do? How long should I quarantine them for? I have so many questions and I can’t really find videos on how to quarantine just if you should. Meds I currently have are ichx No planaria Planning on getting some anti parasite meds
  2. Hi guys! quick question about quarantine tank cycling: I am currently trying to set up a quarantine tank but I don't have any spare sponge filters at the moment. I have a pre-filter sponge on the HOB filter on my current display tank. If I attach it to another extra HOB filter I have and add some old decor, as well as performing daily water changes, would that suffice to prevent ammonia from building up in the 2 weeks I keep the tank running? Will doing daily water changes stress out the fish? I've also heard some say that it's not necessary to cycle a quarantine tank, is that true? Any help is greatly appreciated! 🙂
  3. This might be a really dumb question, but I have had a small sponge filter running in my 55 gallon for about 2 months to prepare for a quarantine tank in the near future. I am not ready to set it up just yet, but the bubbles it puts out are super strong so I am wondering if I can just turn the filter off and leave it sitting in the tank until I am ready to move it to the other tank? Or do I need to keep it running while it's in there? Thanks in advance for any help!
  4. I need to set up a new 10 gallon quarantine tank. I have a new sponge filter on order. While I wait for my equipment to arrive, can I sink an algae cleaning sponge (purchased from Aquarium Coop) in my fully cycled display tank? I would like to get a jump start on growing beneficial bacteria for the new quarantine tank. Thoughts? Ideas? How long does it take for a new sponge to become seeded?
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