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  1. Hey all, I recently purchased a 90 gal acrylic with a 30 gal sump. I’m going to use the tank for freshwater planted aquarium and was curious on recommendations for return pump size. I’m estimating approx 4ft head pressure. Tank was used and came with a QUIET1 9000 return pump which seems way more than is necessary and it draws 3.1 amps. Anyone have recommendations for a substitute that will be suitable for the tank? Ideally looking for one that draws less power and is quiet. Thanks for the help
  2. I'm currently filling up 5 gallon home depot buckets and walking them downstairs (no water in basement). It occurred to me that I could use a pump to fill the tanks from the bucket. Started looking for some cheapo fountain pumps for ~$10 and am uncertain about which one is going to be capable of the task. I'd like to keep the buckets full of water on the ground and have the pump do the work of filling the tank. From the floor to the top of the water column in the tank is roughly 5ft. Seems that 200GPH is the minimum requirement for that lift with 1/2" tubing. Just wanting to confirm that with anyone else's experience doing this.
  3. TLDR: 7 large sponge filters. Two at a somewhat deep level and two very shallow that can run on the slow side. Hey y’all, I stumbled on the Aquarium Co-op YouTube channel two months ago and got bit by the freshwater bug again. I currently have a 46 bow front full of every loach I can get my hands on and some tetras. I just purchased a 150 gallon and will be building a stand next week. My intention is to run a total of 7 large sponge filters. To start right away I’ll have two in the 150 (at approximately 26” of water depth) and one in my 46 bow front. Eventually I’ll add two 29gal tanks under the 150 and I’ll have up to two 10gal quarantine tanks (running large so I can use seasoned sponges from another tank). I have two Biowheel 350s (sorry Cory) that are full of sponge blocks with prefilter sponge on them (thanks Cory) for the 150 as well. So, 7 large sponge filters. Two at a somewhat deep level and two very shallow that can run on the slow side. I attached a quick drawing, please roast it. Other pic is my 46 in its current state Whisper 150? Add a second when my 29’s are up and running? Whisper 300? Your suggestions are much appreciated.
  4. I currently have 2 40 gallon breeders and a 20 gallon tank. I would like to use one pump to support them all. Can anyone suggest a pump and the size I need to be looking for? Thanks.
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