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  1. The project has officially begun now. Egg collection was nearly impossible I was not really ready for it first round so grabbed the subwassertang and put it i to a german breeding ring floating in an empty 60 breeder. Still learning and the initial 6 or more will be invaluable to me to get better for the next group. Adjustments to wild group tank to follow for the next try and hopefully get more eggs to start. Day 0 March 24 2023 at 134 pm up here Today day 5 March 29th 2023 at 530pm to 615 pm @Preston John they are amazingly small in person. Way smaller than the palustris fry were. 5 days to free swimming at 9,100 feet seems like the altitude doesnt change the development so far. Day 6 30MAR23 0432/432am Thats a normal sized subwassertang leaf for scale. That leaf above is a brazilian pennywort leaf. Some portion of the now 7 counted fry are eating based off the belly. Day 6 30MAR23 430pm 16 or so visible now. Seem to have paramecium bellys and possibly infusoria off the subwassertang Day 7 31 Mar 23 11am ish. Treating for hydra since one grabed a fry before it swam free. That has caused the slight haze. Approximately 30 fry visible in the ring today
  2. Im now experimenting with fry tray colors vs german breeding rings to see how they impact fry success in spotted congo puffers. My current theory is that the fry are having trouble finding food on a reflecting bright white background. German breeding ring Fry feed off bottom, midwater, and sides White Fry tray... which is awesome with puffers eating baby brine. this is great to see the fry from above and used all the time now but I now believe my puffer fry may be feeding from below and against the walls in this gif as a function of not seeing the paramecium or worms against a white background My plan is to 3d print and tryout a black petg fry tray with a portion of the next batch due this week and see what changes in puffer growth and behaviors over the first 3 weeks of growth vs the pprtion in a breeding ring and the portion in a white tray. I will be using live plants to be able to see the fry a little easier Ill update this thread as the results come in im curious to see the impact of color of walls and floor for the clear/white food items
  3. Initially identified Pao abei by exporter and eventually found to match Pao fangi and not Pao turgidus as it looked to be in the aqualog puffer references. There are numerous field guides and studies over the years that have identified Pao puffers as multiple species however after reviewing everything found over the past months I have now identified these as the Pao fangi with high confidence. I am far enough along now that I have enough pictures to start this thread. Looking forward to learning as they develop. Adult male non-breeding pattern Adult male breeding pattern Adult female breeding coloration Females seem to have a longer distance from eyes to mouth than males 29 April 2024 - eggs laid today female coloration and behavior outside spawning cave. male is seen inside cave guarding spawn (left edge of photo) +/- 20 eggs harvested from cave to coop container with methelyne blue and slow air bubbling through an easy flow sponge filter collar. based off Pao palustris egg collection I left a portion with the male so he had something to defend. Egg Container floated in 20 gallon tank for temperature stability. It will be replaced by a german breeding ring once the fry are all swimming 29 April 2024 (Day 0 egg development) 30 April 2024 (Day 1 - egg development) 1 May 2024 ( Day 2 - egg development) 2 May 2024 ( Day 3 - egg development) 3 May 2024 (Day 4 - egg development) 4 May 2024 ( Day 5 - egg development) 5 May 2024 (Day 6 - egg development) First fry hatched on day 6. Seen below "jumping out of egg," More updates to follow as they develop....
  4. Necessity being the mother of invention..... My spotted congo fry came just before when the family vacation in a few weeks. A vacation right in the middle of puffer growing season does not end with puffers for me. I decided to attempt to automate the feedings using a bigger paramecium culture a wifi timer and a topoff doser. This is version 3 of the automated paramecium feeder (and possibly a moina feeder). The cloudy 20 high to the right of the 60 breeder fry tank is a paramecium culture using wheat berries and yeast filled half way should be ready by then but for now the half gallon mason jar is good for approximately 30 one minute 50ml feedings. The polyfilter cube seen in the german breeding ring is a visual indicator of water quality for me. Its just a little insurance against any organic buildup. The ring is floating in a 60 breeder with a sicce pro 900 for filtration and the sponge filter on the ring. You can see a puffer fry eating a paramecium at the end
  5. The two new projects have arrived. Both are egg scatterer puffers. I am a total newbie on that style of puffer breeding. What methods work bets to pull eggs from the egg scattering puffers ? To prep I re-read all the forum content tagged spotted congo and schoutedeni as well as any article in scholar.google which referenced the species. @Preston John you hooked me on the species and lead me to deciding to give them a spot here testing myself on breeding them up here. Tetraodon schoutedeni Spotted congo puffer The unexpected find: Carinotetraodon irrubesco Red tail red eye puffer I didn't really appreciate these until seeing them in person and picking up a group. One of the males One of the hopefully females
  6. Mine is the Pao cf palustris My puffer trio of 1 Male 2 Female produces however many eggs are in this cave every 14 days or so. With 50 to 75 makimg it to pulling size once the male removes any bad ones. When I choose to pull a portion of eggs out to breeder boxes I could end up with approximately 50 per new fry every month easily. Its more than I expected going in. Anyone else have other species that really fire off for them in numbers that you didnt expect to achieve initially? Which was the most surprising success? Im at the point with these guys where I can make the 50 puffers a month fairly easily if I had the space and chose to do so.
  7. The Pao palustris fry , which are going strong are still just living in a Ziss breeder box in the colony tank 75 gallons. Photo is day 9, this morning, eating live bby brine the orange flecks are brine shrimp for size perspective. What is everyones view on when is the right time to move them from the Ziss breeder box to a grow out tank in the rack system? Once they start getting territorial ? Once i find more fry? ....?
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