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  1. Hi everyone, I am super excited to be here. I had aquariums in the past, but never fully committed to the hobby, but this year the bug bit me and I went from one aquarium with 4 guppies to 6 aquariums. My 4ft aquarium is housing 60 guppy fry and 5 adult guppies. The 2ft aquarium is housing a purple female betta (which no one can tell me what type of betta she is) 🤷‍♀️ , my 1 and a half foot aquarium is housing my Blue red dragon halfmoon betta, my 2nd 1 and a half foot aquarium is housing 3 cherry shrimps, All my shrimp are male, so I need to get females still. My son's hexagonal aquarium is housing the Ramshorn snails and some bladder snails, must still get him blue dream shrimp for his aquarium. and my 6th aquarium is a 3ft aquarium and is a hospital tank. I am a complete newbie to planted aquariums and do not know which plants to get yet, I have java moss in most of my aquariums and some duckweed in all my aquariums, my hornwort is not doing so well in my aquariums (don't know why). Thank you for reading my post, I will be asking for advise a lot. 😅 Here is my girl and boy betta. The girl's tail has now become very pointy, this photo was taken about three months ago.
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