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  1. Is the fish pictured below the same as a rubber lip pleco? I didn't find much after Google searching the scientific name. Every time I try to look up info on "rubber plecos" it just brings up articles on rubber lips. This is the tag from Petco, and the actual fish looks identical to the one pictured (I couldn't get a good photo of him through the glass, but I can try again if that would be helpful).Thanks!
  2. I have just taken on caring for a 50 gallon tank at my daughter's pre-school. There's a huge pleco in there, at least 11-12" long, and I'm afraid to say I've never had a pleco before! I'm assuming it will need to find a new, bigger home, but to start with I have no idea what kind it is. Can anyone ID it for me?
  3. So I rescued this guy and one have a clue what I’m in for not knowing what type it is ?
  4. Good evening all, Anyone able to help me identify the type of pleco in the attached photo? In case it's helpful, what I know about the fish is that it's 3 - 5 years old and is currently 6 inches long. It enjoys algae wafers and veggies and is also happy to clean up pellets, flakes and frozen foods that make it to the bottom. Additionally it very much enjoys chewing on the driftwood and leaf litter in the tank. The fish was sold to someone else at a small town fish/pet store (that has since closed) as an algae eater for a 10 gal tank. It now lives in my 29 gallon planted tank with 18 neon tetras and a bunch of cherry shrimp. I am curious to know what type it is but my main interest is to know whether I can assume it's full grown. I know there are some plecos that get huge and obviously if this one gets any bigger it won't be comfortable in my tank. It's been with me for a little over 2 years and has roughly doubled in size. Based on the information I've found on the internet I think I understand that a common pleco would have grown very quickly and would already be bigger than this (fingers crossed that's true). However, I see that there are other types that might end up being 10 or 12 inches long and I haven't been able to find definite information as to how quickly they grow. Most of the time I feel confident that this one has finished growing but I'd feel better if I knew for sure. Anyway, I'd appreciate any input you folks might have for me. Thank you!
  5. Hello Aquarium coop fans. Can you help me ? I wanne know what pleco this is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_DWGkEsJ-k anny one knows ? Thnx you so mutch
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