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Found 7 results

  1. Do you ever say something totally “nermal” that makes your spouse/family burst out laughing? This evening my husband helped me lift the 55 gallon fish tank on top of the new stand we’d made. Him: ”Oh, it’s got a lot of extra room up here.” Me: “Yeah, cause I designed it to hold a 75.” Him: 🤣 Me: 🤨 Also last week, when I told him, I was going to need to drive a couple towns over. ”Petco’s having a 50% off sale so I bought three more 10 gallon tanks.” 🤣 “What?? You knew I needed another 10 gallon for the stand. And I got two extra.” He loves to tell people about how fish are “taking over our house.” I love to tell him about my fellow nerms who see the Petco sale and buy 3 more 55’s. I guess he keeps my feet on the ground.
  2. Younger aquarist think once you have money, and drivers license and you don't have to share a room with your brother all your problems are solved. They are not. They just get more complicated. I kept telling myself dollar a gallon...who cares...I need to take care of the tanks I have, not buy more. I kept telling myself, the spouse is calm about my ever metastasizing hobby, just be cool, be patient, and definitely no more aquariums. Hat tip to @MickS77 for the meme What if the dollar a gallon sale never ever happens again? Maybe, just maybe I could confuse her by being honest! She didn't approve, but she didn't say no. So I got two 75 gallons (not one like I mentioned and maybe not 1/3 of normal price). Now I felt embarrassed so I stashed them in the woodworking shop. Problem is these days she is out in the shop all the time working on beehives. So... Problem solved, right? Now I just I have to figure out how to tell her....
  3. Im alone in the house for the first time in months and all I'm doing is putting Coop youtube in the background and doing fish stuff...and it's a Friday night.
  4. As a new nerm, myself, I find myself saying and thinking the silliest things: My betta sometimes flares at his reflection. Is this normal? Oh no! My ghost shrimp Bartholomew died! What did I do wrong? Free duckweed? Wow! Thanks! Is a Penn-Plax 17" cannister filter enough for my 10g shrimp tank? Is a 75g enough room for 10 neon tetras? I should google ramshorn snail breeding tips.
  5. Homeschooling this year . . . COVID and whatnot . . . doing Euclidean Geometry. Here's to anyone interested in watching a fish nerd "Nermsplaining Math" 🤓
  6. Was feeding my King Tigers tonight and decided to watch them for a bit. Then I noticed something I hadn’t before. Haven’t adjusted/photoshopped or otherwise edited this photo of my l333 other than to trace the lettering in the second picture. What in the world. 🧐 Am I crazy?
  7. I had 77 open tabs on my phone 52 where this forum. Everytime I want to go to the forum I hit the shortcut I saved rather than just opening chrome. #nermproblems
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