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  1. Hello, I am having issues (once again) with browning of leaves of plants that I have had for the three weeks now which are my Ludwigia Arucuata and some of my Anubias Nana. Before I acquired these plants, my tank overall was suffering from a nutrient deficiency that I couldn’t quite pinpoint. I thought it was just potassium, but it was micro nutrients. I waited a couple of weeks and dosed Easy Green more consistently, as well as turned down my light intensity from 100% ( over a month ago) to now 60% (past 3 weeks). However, both plants seem to have their leaves slowly but surely turning brown, more so in the middle to near top region of the stems (not really the bottom/new growth) for the Ludwigia and brown trimming along the leaves of the Anubias Nana. I’m not sure what could be the issue. Is my light intensity still too high or am I suffering from another nutrient deficiency? Side note: Some of the darker-colored leaves on the Ludwigia Arucuata are red, from their emersed growth, not brown. Water parameters/routines/conditions of my 55gallon: ph: 7.8 Ammonia: 0ppm Nirite: 0ppm Nirate: 40ppm (Easy Green 12 pumps after a WC on Tuesday or Wednesday and 10 pumps on Saturday) GH: 14dGH (Sometimes I use Equilibrium) KH: 6dKH Phosphate level: 1.0mg/L (I dose Flourish Phosphorus once a week/ 3 capfuls) I dose Flourish Iron & Potassium 3x a week 3 capfuls (Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday) Water temperature: 78*F Aquarium Co-OP 48in light at 60% intensity (8 hours a day 12-4pm/10pm-2am) I have a Seachem Tidal 75 set on moderate flow No CO2 additions 50% weekly water changes
  2. So this morning I went into my fish tanks room, and saw that one of my pandas was turn over dead. Clamped fin. And kinda tight looking, prob bcs it is dead. I usually do 25% or 50% wc every week. Feed them sinking carnivore pellets, and vibra bites, along with occasional micro pellets. They are from aqua Huna. I have frozen bloodworm cubes, should I add that on their diet? Water parameters. Any help is GREATLY appreciated 😓. ammonia. 0 nitrite 0. 7.5 ph. softer water. idk why this happened. I had 6 but now five. I think it was a female. The color of it was more tannish than all the others. Weird. Idk why this happened. In cycled 20 long with lots of live plants and weekly WCs. Any thoughts? I am confused, any suggestions on what might’ve token place? I can answer more Qs if needed. @Colu? TIA could just be acclimating to tank. They might just be kinda stressed rn. @Tony s says, I think so maybe too, but just checking. Thanks 😔 bottom pic is the one that passed.
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