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  1. One of the best things about this hobby is its inherent delayed gratification. Yet, I still feel unsatisfied with the growth of my tank at the moment. So, perhaps you friends could give me some motivation! Show me progress pictures of your plant's growth. You can do as many pics as you'd like! Whether the progress is from day one vs five years in or last month vs now, whatever it may be! I would love to see it!! I think this is also a great way to show off your tanks and recognize the change; to take a step back and feel pride. Sometimes we fishkeepers seem to always want to be better when in reality we are already doing such a great job. And, once again, I would love to see how plant growth is illustrated and how things change over time.
  2. This is my 24” deep 30g tank that’s been up for about 4 months. It’s “mid tech”— it has a meager yeast-based CO2 system, I fertilize regularly with Easy Green and root tabs. I have a coop light that’s on 9hrs/day at 100%. It’s got an HOB and a sponge filter. It’s planted with spiral Val, jungle Val, pearl weed, and and dwarf sag. So why are the Val and sag taller? They grow, but then the tops of the Val turn brown, die and break off. Pearl weed grows great, and the Val and sag spread by stay short.
  3. I was looking through photos of mine I have stored on my laptop, and posted a little progression of my featherfin's growth in my journal, but I thought it could be a fun thread for folks to participate in. So show off your baby pics! Let's see your before and afters! Post your growth progressions! Here's Pooka as a little juvie (when I got her) to what she looks like currently (added an extra of her as an adult before her adipose fin wrinkled).
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