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  1. Corresponding with @Odd Duck about the possibility of breeding Gold Nugget Plecos, I went down a NERM-hole today, and began imagining what a proper breeding setup might look like. They are notoriously "impossible" to breed in captivity. That is what most inspires me to want to try! Another contact had shared this YouTube short from Oliver Knott: Which got me thinking about how to majorly boost flow. So I decided to sketch something up. I'm imagining maybe a 55 gal tank here (dimensions look more like a 40 gal breeder) but a 75 gal would be fine too. For HOB filters on the side, I am imagining something like 2x Tidal 110 for TONS of flow. I'm also thinking of the larger, powerful HYDOR Koralia pumps. So in photos, from empty tank to set-up... The goal is a very sloshy tank. Of course heating elements could be added along the back. Yes, this could probably be done with canister filters too. As for greens, I think that roots reaching in along the back from a strategically selected plant tray set up behind on a shelf would be a good way to deal with nitrate buildup. What do you all think? Any suggestions? Improvements? Lets group-source this thing, and break the internet by breeding Gold Nugget Plecos here on the Forum! Here is an in situ video showing them being caught from river rapids... Some keys: WARM (ca. 87-degrees), oxygen rich -- maybe add a bubble bar underneath the powerheads in tank set up. Lots of proper food needed.
  2. hi! i recently got a gold nugget pleco, and i wanted to feed it a natural(ish) diet to keep the pleco well fed. currently he/ she is eating hikari pleco wafers but any idea how i can culture periplankton for food, or any recipes for diy gel food? thanks!
  3. Made the drive from Whidbey Island to Aquarium Coop yesterday and besides loading up on essentials got my dream Pleco. It required an amount of patience waiting outside in the cold then getting temp taken and trying to socially distance once inside. The crew are top notch and helped me out every step of the way. Was shown all the fabulous types and then picked the L177 Gold Nugget (Baryancistrus) to take home. Cranked up the heat in the car for the long drive . Added a second heater to the 55 gal community tank. Added a seasoned ceramic hidey cave and now the fun begins. It hasn't been 24 hours yet but he/she likes this one resting spot on the stacked sponge filter. This tank has a lot of guppy's and Cory's for the winter. My fish room in the outside barn doesn't have a generator like the house. We get a lot of power outages here. Keeping tropical fish is a challenge for me.
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