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  1. Received a fish shipment yesterday. Part of that shipment included some Gambusia mosquito fish that will go into my existing 29g community in our bedroom. I stuck them into quarantine immediately to monitor for AT LEAST 2 weeks, since I know mosquito fish tend to be raised in far less than ideal conditions. Really glad I did. I checked them this morning after the lights came on. They've settled in enough that they had come out of hiding. 3 of the 12 are showing signs of fungal infection. Ack! 2 of those 3 are in good shape and look healthy otherwise, with only one tufted spot each on fins. The third isn't as robust in appearance and has more. Here's the best shot I've gotten of that one so far. It's impossible to make out of in the photo, but the pectoral fin on that side has 3 or 4 tufts it. You can see the shape of them in the photo, but the fish is too active for me to capture that without movement. The one of top of her head looks like a roughed up scale in the photo but when you look more closely at the actual fish, it's actually a cottony cluster. This particular fish also has a thinner profile than the rest - that sunken in belly. None of the others - either males or females - have that going on. Not sure if this girl will make it, but I'm hoping she'll turn around. I've got the AC Med Trio on the way (meant to have it in hand already but forgot to order it in time). Which med(s) should I use when they arrive?
  2. Hey everyone, I used my old too small betta tank to do an aquascape and make a nursery for my baby mosquito fish from my pond where they would have gotten eaten. Thought I would share. 😆
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