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  1. Hello everyone, So i had a 75 gallon established tank that i needed to fill with fish and i made rookie mistake and went out and bought all the fish I thought i liked for the aquarium, and of course one of them brought some kind of disease into the tank and they were all wiped out i had about 20 neon tetras, 6 white fin barbs, 6 cherry barbs, a corydora, and 6 long fin rosy barbs who were the lone survivors. I tried following the directions on api’s super ich cure and nothing helped, anyways i have this betta that i took out of the tank because he was being bullied before i saw any of the disease in the other fish and now my betta is not looking good at all he has a full blown case of ich and what looks like some fin rot. Im trying everything i can to save him because hes the fish that got me started in the hobby and the most personable does anyone have any last ditch efforts on what i can do to try and give him the best chance of survival?
  2. What are your recommendations of good references on aquarium fish anatomy, diseases and behavior? Thanks!
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