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  1. So...my hubby is supportive of my mts... mostly. Well, last night he finally understands my devotion to having that extra tank and filter.... Came home to a puddle and about 4 gallons in my 5 gallon crystal black shrimp/green neon tetra tank. AAAAHHH. Found leak but it is super low on the tank...so decided to just upgrade them from the 5 gallon to a 10 that I had recently used as qt for some new fish about a month ago that had no issues. I just left it running with some plants and snails... so moved everything in 5 to buckets... Drained the10, added new substrate(was about time for new anyways) put in most of the water, plants and rock, and filter from the 5 gallon, drip acclimated everyone. keeping the other filter in a bucket of it's tank water today and go get a new 10 gallon to start for extra/qt tonight. Will do regular water change on the 10/shrimp next week unless get a spike and fill it up slowly over a couple of weeks. Hopefully no losses🤞🤞....❤️🐟🐠🦐🐡🌱
  2. I just upgraded one of my three betta tanks from a 3 gallon to a 10 gallon. My betta is finally enjoying his roomy 10 gallon. My question is whether I should dismantle the small 3 gallon or keep it running as a future hospital tank? I have three betta tanks now and don’t plan on more, but knowing the beneficial bacteria in it is gold, I’m hesitant to take it down. It helped to establish the 10 gallon. It has a few plants, moss balls and a mystery snail. If I keep it, the snail would stay to keep it cycled. If not keeping, then I’d reunite the snail with his betta in the 10 gallon. So is there anyone with multiple bettas that keeps an “empty” spare tank?
  3. Hey all, I have two 30-gallons that I just freed up (I merged everything into a 75-gal). What are your thoughts on how I can use them? -I'd prefer not to use them for fish as I already have a 75-gal that keeps me pretty busy and happy. -I'd prefer not to sell. -I'd prefer a low-energy solution (I don't want to heat the tanks). -I'd prefer a low-maintenance, set-it-and-forget-it type deal. Besides those caveats, I'm also open to hearing any non-aquarium related ideas as well! Thank you!
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