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  1. I recently got a leak in my 55g that I have been treating for ich that I was treating for a bad ich outbreak I got from 2 upside down catfish I bought off a new store. I had to rush to set up a 100g acrylic was waiting to set up, after a about two days of string the left over gravel looking for my little “pest” snails, so I could throw them back into the 90, I wash the gravel out with hot water and got it 112 degrees in the water. I later started seeing a couple more snail in there moving around. I didn’t think they would take the temp but would I be safe moving them into my live breeder tank, where I’ve been wanting to breed them in there, without transferring ich ?
  2. I have some cherry shrimp that I want to give away, but there are some Neon Tetras with what I think is neon tetra diseases or some other thing. I was wondering if diseases could be transported on cherry shrimp.
  3. Hello all, I am getting a betta for my shrimp tank but i don't want to quarintine him because my qt tank is a 10gallon, and his permanant tank is 5 gallons. And I don't really like the idea of downsizing him, especially if its a betta that probably hasn't been with other fish, meaning it probably won't have any parasites or deseases. Will invertibrates spead deseases to fish or vis versa?
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