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  1. What do you guys find is the food your ember tetras like best? And has anybody figured out an optimal mix of dry foods to put in a community tank autofeeder together (rainbowfish, tetras, cories, snails)?
  2. I am trying to plan out my community tanks so that the inhabitants feeding habits compliment or at least do not cause health problems for other fish or invertebrates in a given tank. Love that Rilian, but he pigs out on whatever worm I feed the spiny eel or the panda Garras. He is good at hunting them down and it looks like he swallowed a grape afterwards!😬 What have any of you learned from your experience with feeding bettas in community tanks? I can feed small earth worms by tweezer to the eel. But to give her variety I do feed live black worms and frozen blood worms once or twice a week and can’t feed the small worms by tweezer. That’s when Rilian gorges. Am I going to cause him health problems keeping this routine?
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