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  1. I got some short video of my pea puffer, Murderbean, hunting some snails. Thought it was cute so I decided to share.
  2. Does anyone have any experience breeding pea puffers?
  3. So I got an Aqua Huna shipment about a week ago “ 6 pea puffers” they have been thru the trio in a 10 gallon heavily planted tank together. Pretty sure their doing fine but it takes an hour in front of the tank to get tabs on them . I have 15 gallons arriving tomorrow. I of course plan to cycle the tanks . Is there an easy way to sex them ? I plan to put 3 in each 15 gallon , should be okay ? A few Kuhl is in with them now ... limited aggression so far . Mainly giving them brine shrimp every other day but I have been dropping small pond snails in there daily also. Have a worm cone on its way for blood worms ... I should prob deworm then while cycling their tanks ? Any other advice would mind obviously if I could get them to breed .
  4. Can I feed it freeze dried blood worms ? Or is the frozen the only one they will eat I tried feeding him brine shrimp and he didn’t go for it so I am thinking he is either eating snails or the detritus worms in my tank ? Ur thoughts and advice ?
  5. So Hypothetically, if a person had seven tanks with a healthy pest snail population in each, and a dangerous blood worm allergy, could you feed a pea puffer exclusively on snails? How many would they need each day?
  6. What would you suggest for tank mates for pea puffers? Ide like to get a few different schooling fish but dont know which ones wont harm the puffers and that the puffers wont hurt also. Im going planted tank 180gallon cave on one side spindly logs in middle and a forest of tall plants on other side. And microsword or other carpeting plant over the bottom of majority of tank. Sorry if theres alot of info wanted give you idea of tank incase it matters with what fish would work
  7. Hi everybody just joining in for some helpful opinions! My wife and I keep amazon puffers in our 90 and some pea puffers in a 15. It all started out with 'Hey lets get our son a fish'. Now here we are..
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