Hi fellow hobbyists!
I was wondering if any of you have experience with Exclamation Point Rasboras? I had a school (11) of them in a 20 gallon long with Endlers and a few neon tetras. They were hiding a lot, and getting outcompeted for food, some of them didn’t have great color which indicated to me some stress...I’ve moved them now into a 10 gallon on their own (except for six habrosus corydoras). Heavily planted. In my office with less traffic. My tanks have moderate hardness (kh and gh 100 ppm) from crushed coral, pH 7-7.5, nitrites 0, nitrates between 20-40 ppm. Attached is a pick of the tank they are in, with the med trio running in it to make sure I haven’t missed anything. They still are very shy, any advice to help them feel more confident and lower stress more? Maybe more of them? Thank You all!!