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  1. Hi, I have some complicated questions regarding aquarium water. background: So, lately I have been buying Crystal Geyser jugs to do water changes because our well water has 80+ nitrates and high calcium (water spots everywhere) - it gets so annoying buying mass amount of gallon jugs at the store, plus water bottles to drink too ~ so we invested in a whole house Eco Water - Water softener, Culligan water nitrate remover & carbon filter. So nitrates are removed and carbon filter to remove impurities because we have a lot of ag (livestock & fruit/veg/nut crops) so increase risk of pesticides and fertilizer leeching into the water underground, we now officially have drinkable water from the tap! Woo! My question is can I use this water for my aquarium? I’m worried about the water softener putting salt in my freshwater aquarium? Does anyone use a water softener for their aquarium? Do I need to add Seachem equilibrium to harden the water? - I have a cycling planted aquarium & a regular gravel aquarium with my single betta fish As for getting a reverse osmosis filtration a whole house costs like 20k & can’t afford that lol and we just bought our house and I’m not willing to drill a whole in our granite because it’s too all brand new. Any suggestions are helpful. This is our water on a strip TDS = 179 ppm conductivity meter = 378 us/cm
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