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  1. TL;DR: I've been thinking recently about accessibility in the hobby and I haven't found much information out there. I'd love to hear your ideas, tips and tricks, and thoughts about how to make the hobby more accessible to people with disabilities. Personally, I'm colorblind (not a protected class, but a total pita when it comes to fishkeeping). Yes, I could spend hundreds to thousands on special glasses or aquarium monitoring systems that eliminate color-reading problems, but that's not really possible for me. CoOp test strips have been a godsend for me! It's so much easier to ask someone to read one strip vs. several test tubes, and now I test ALL THE THINGS. This got me thinking about people with other disabilities or mobility impairments and what tips and tricks might me out there to make the hobby better for them. I'd love to hear others' experiences and advice, with an idea to maybe submit a blog post or article on the topic within the next year.
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