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  1. Do you ever try like gardneri killifish or orange australe killifish can they go into a 2.5 to 5 gallon tank
  2. Hey Cory if you are watching this right now then great so so have what fish or invertebrate can go to 2.5 gallon tank do you have any stocking ideas
  3. Do you guys recommend scarlet badis and clown killifish in 2.5 gallon fish tank
  4. This is my 2.5 gallon tank The 2.5 gallon tank look cool and that my betta tank
  5. Any people that recommend fish and invertebrates to go into a 2.5 gallon tank to put them in that tank and any suggestions
  6. Starting this thread to journal my tanks. Currently I have: 2.5 gallon, well planted with ember tetras and red cherry shrimp 6 gallon with African dwarf frogs, a mystery snail and ember tetras with some new plants 8 gallon planted column tank in progress, current home to 1 female betta 29 gallon community tank, growing number of plants with a male betta, black neon tetras, Otto cats, a bristlenose pleco and baby guppies.
  7. here is a update on my 2.5 gallon fry tank
  8. Ive really been into shrimp lately and want to start a shrimp tank. What size tank should I do. I knkw a popular fishtuber who keeps shrimp in a 5.5g. But is it possible to go smaller. I plan on blue velvets ir cherry shrimp. Not to advanced of shrimp. I only want like 10 or so. What size is small yet large enouph for them. I'm sorry this was so long. Thank you
  9. It all started September of 2019 when some sixth graders at the school I work for decided to get me a betta for my birthday. Fast forward a year and I have two tanks in my office (20 long and 40 breeder) and 4 at home (two 20's, 36 bowfront and a 75). Here are the current contents: 20 long - It's currently cycling. It was broken down a month ago. It will house my 9 pseudomugil gertrudae and 3 peacock gudgeons which are currently in a 10 gallon. It is dirted and I am still adding plants here and there. The "floating" plants are what I will be carpeting with. 10 gallon who will be getting upgraded soon to the 20 long. It's a tad bare now because I moved some plants over to the 20 long. 40 breeder - This is also dirted and has DIY CO2. It currently has 6 albino corydoras, a Siamese algae eater, an albino bristlenose pleco and a pair of Bolivian rams with a lot of various plants, rocks and driftwood. I have 7 celebes rainbowfish currently in quarantine that will be going in there. 20 #1 - This is another dirted tank that has 5 (soon to be a dozen) pseudomugil luminatus and a female apistogramma cacatuoides (the male died about a month ago). Also has various plants and a DIY CO2. 20 #2 - This one will be rescaped. It currently has 6 white clouds and an apistogramma agasizzii. It sits next to 20 #1 and will share the DIY CO2. No picture because it's ugly! lol 36 bowfront - This one is not dirted but has root tabs for the plants and a DIY CO2. Fish-wise it has 10 black harlequin rasboras, a dozen habrosus corydoras, 5 kuhli loaches, a Siamese algae eater, a bristlenose pleco, a female apistogramma borellii and a female apistogramma breitbinden (they are besties) and some cherry shrimp who love to hang out on the sponge filter. Some of the background plants died, but there are some "saplings" that you can't see behind the spiderwood. 75 - It's currently empty while I finish scaping it. Currently it has four pieces of driftwood and three swords and it also dirted. It will be room temperature because I want to put native fish in there. Mountain redbelly daces and some sort of darter are what I'm thinking at the moment. I also have a 2.5 gallon that has a few golden wonder killifish fry in it. Both parents died recently.
  10. Good early morning from San Antonio, Texas, My name is Anthony. Started fish keeping back in 99 but I was hacking my through it as a 20 something year old just living for the weekends. My life blasted off in 2000 when I became a flight attendant for Continental Airlines (now United Airlines). Everything with life on the ground had to be left behind in a sense. Being new to the industry I had to sacrifice pet keeping. 20 years later this past April I found myself grounded and furloughed due to covid19. Currently in the process of redefining myself while I am on the ground these days more than ever. The silver lining is I rediscovered my passion for fish keeping while setting up a 2.5g for my son's new beta this past Christmas. I found Mr. Cory on YT in Jan. of this year, because I knew that 2.5g for Shiney Blue(my boy's name for his beta) wasn't going to last. In short, Shiney Blue is in a planted 20L with 7 black mollys and four golden algae eaters. That tank is in our front room which has become a basic fish room with 4 active tanks out of a total of 12. Wife thinks I have lost my mind lol! I have plenty of room to grow in the hobby with the empty tanks on standby, and I am in no hurry. They consist of two 40 breeders, a 55, three 20Ls, three 10g and the 40g container pond (activated) on the back patio. It's pretty much been Aquarium CO-op tv here. I've got the empty tanks in a holding pattern for now and focusing on enjoying the ones I have stocked. Been busy learning about all the fish I keep (mostly beginner fish), growing, and even trying my hand at breeding for fun. Much love for this place, and Cory for all that he has done for the hobby. I proudly ware two of the Co-op's T-shirts as I cycle through my jeans and t-shirt wardrobe, and proud to say that I support his business, all my sponges are Aquarium Co-op! Anthony Curiale
  11. Ive got a small 2.5 gallon tank with a desk lamp that i used to breed copepods and snails in but i would like to stock it and add some eqsy plants. Any ideas?
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