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  1. Hey everyone. I have a betta that I have had for around a year and five months now. He is a petsmart rosetail (I know, but he was looking horrid and in a lack of good judgement I bought him. I dont endorse rosetails or love petsmart) I woke up today and found him slightly pineconning. He had been having issues with buoyancy (he would float) for the past 3 or so days. I thought it was just swim bladder issues and started with daphnia. The real question is, is this age or my doing? He's old and had terrible genetics, but his tank is in a window. It doesn't have a heater, I am from FL. I have air conditioning, and the tank is a 10 gallon with a filter. I haven't measured for temperature fluctuations. Im going to move him to a 5 gallon and try a medicated feed but I have never had success with dropsy. Thank you for any advice you can provide
  2. I'm feeling a bit not so clever at the moment because I just realized today that the fish in my community tank (which I set up in hopes of making a fun environment for my betta) and my betta live at two different temps. My betta is 2 years old and lives in a tank with a preset 78 degree heater and even at that temp is pretty inactive--he's less active than my 3 year old 'grandpa' betta who lives in a bowl that is a bit cooler because it is lidless, even. The water in my unheated community tank is more like 74, which is where I keep the AC set. Not sure whether I should heat my platies and endlers to betta temps, I don't want to shorten their lifespan. What do the rest of you with bettas in community tanks do?
  3. So I'm looking to start planting my tank but I can't seem to find any info on the site here about water temperature requirements for these plants. I have an axolotl tank, so my requirements are cold water (tank is always between 60-62°F), and very low light. The axolotls do not like bright lights at all so I was hoping for something that could do okay with just the light that comes in through the window near the tank and not have to get a grow light and upset the axies. All suggestions and info appreciated. Thanks guys. Edit: It's a 40 gallon tank. I forgot to mention before.
  4. I recently got a 9 gallon tank for my office. It is so peaceful to have it there during the work day. The issues is, I have a west facing window on the top floor so my office bakes in the sun all afternoon/evening. During weekdays, the AC is on and I have a fan going with the office door open. However, on weekends, the AC is turned off (not my choice) and the door has to stay shut. So, the office is like an oven. After an unseasonable warm weekend a few weeks ago, I came in to find my water temp at 84+ degrees. I'm very worried about how hot the water will get on summer weekends even if I do come in for a few hours on Saturday afternoons to do water changes and can open the door and let the office cool down a bit. Any ideas of how to keep the water cool? I have have a betta and a few other fish so ideally the temp is somewhere between 74 and 80 degrees. Thanks!
  5. Hi all, had some ich develop in my tank after adding a few new fish. Didn’t have issues for a few days but now all new fish (a few tetras and three platys) have various stages of the parasite. I want to try to treat naturally, aka no meds. I have read about just increasing the temp to 86, exhausting the ich’s life cycle etc, but the thought of shocking my fish from the high temp is terrifying me. I love my fish and I would be heartbroken if I cooked ‘em. in the tank: 3 dojos, 3 neon tetras, 5 cories, 3 platys, some shrimp and snails. Only fish affected with ich are the tetras and platys (new fish). I’m actually amazed my other fish never seem to get it... who has kept dojos at this temp for 2 weeks? Anyone?
  6. At what temperature do you stop using heat packs for shipping live fish?
  7. I introduced a few rice fish to the pool last summer at Cory's suggestion. I was skeptical at first but time has shown the wisdom of adding the rice fish. Temperatures in August reached the mid 90s F at the surface of the pond. In February air temperatures didn't get much above freezing for a week. This video is from a couple of days ago: During this time the population of rice fish continued to increase. I bet there is just about to be a population explosion over the next month or two.
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