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  1. I purchased a Finnex 247 programmable light . I originally started with the auto setting but after about a week I had time to observe all times of day and night and noticed it never turned completely off. I am not at all knowledgeable in this area but I am thinking it might be best to have the light completely off for 6 hours and then 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening for low/med light . My concern is that I don’t know “how much” of each color to set during the most bright part of the day? I was hoping the light would come with guidance but it didn’t. Any suggestions are appreciated!
  2. Here is a question for the pros... what is the purpose of the blue only light on my led lights for my tanks? They all have them but not sure when or why to use them... planted 90 gallon community tank with 4 black mollies, 20 black neon tetras, 2 black angels, 10 peppered cory’s, 2 black spotted bristlenose plecos + fry... should I ever use the blue light or no?
  3. Just messing around with my lights and taking random pictures. I fell in love with this one. Sorry for the poor quality. Cell phone camera. I really need to get a decent camera if anyone has any suggestions.
  4. I bought the LED grow lights for my outdoor garden seedlings. The lights came yesterday but my first seeds wont be here until Monday (or so.) I typically start my seeds under T-8 6500 K fluorescent bulbs, but I had an empty shelf on my plant starting stand and I found four of the LED red/blue grow lights with really good reviews at a pretty good price. Since I have the lights and lots of aquatic plants also, I've put a small dish under the lights and one of each of my common floaters in it to see how they do. The lights are horrible for fish watching, or plant watching for that matter, but we'll see how the floaters (red root floater, salvinia minima, dwarf water lettuce, and frogbit) do under it. It might help them grow faster than they already do. I definitely wouldn't recommend the lights for viewing plants/fish, but it could be a good way to multiply your plant stock.
  5. I am new to this hobby, a few months. Question is; Can I have low light plants and keep the LED lights at mostly Red on all the time. I need a tranquil aquarium due to PTSD. So, the Red and or Blue light is more calming.
  6. Which light is better for seeing more nocturnal fish, blue or red? I want to use it a couple of hours before I go to bed to see some of these fish. I have a fully planted tank.
  7. I’ve heard Cory say that plants can’t see blue light and only algae can in a live stream or video. Is this true and if it is then why do companies even put blue leds in lights? I’m battling this hairy green algae growing on my val and some other plants. I have no idea what type of algae it is but I can only describe it as a dwarf green hair algae and it’s not regular green hair algae.
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