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  1. Hey all, question for anyone who may know I have a hanger back slotted orchid pot resting in the back of my tank. I have my pothos planted in it with orchid bark loosely covering the roots. I looked up orchid bark and it appears to be a high quality fir bark. I was wondering if it’ll have any long term negative effects on my tank? It’s untreated so there aren’t any extra chems that would leech into the tank. Has anyone ever used it before and to what affect?
  2. I recently received an order from Aquarium Co-Op of Anubias Golden and Anubias Nana. Inside one of the pots were little round objects. They look a little like salmon eggs but orange in color. Is it possible they are seeds that haven’t grown? Or perhaps some fertilizer?
  3. Hi Do you ship your plant holders to the United Kingdom please as these are not available here. It’s your $9.99 ones. Any help would be appreciated. many thanks Heather
  4. I put a small terracotter flat plate in one of my tanks that have too many snails as a trap loaded with some lettuce. Worked great but it gave me another idea. I have some water sprite growing in front of all my intake sponges and sponge filters to try and keep the hidden. Everytime I clean the filters the plants get messed up as I try to get at the filters. So has anyone planted plants in small terracotta pots so they could be moved easily? In my snail trap tank I monitored all params including hardness to see if there was any change. I didn't see any so I think this stuff is pretty inert. I also like to chsnge up how some of the tanks look and this would help facilitate that. Thoughts??
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